The Girl Across the Street- 4

Start from the beginning

                "So, what are you doing Friday night?" Kate asks.

                "Hmm. Friday? I have an appointment at the doctor on Friday. What time are you thinking about?"

                "Oh, um, I would say about, eight thirty, nine o'clock-ish?"

                "Oh, uh, nine o'clock works for me. Did you want to grab that new movie, Vamp Stamp? I heard it got two fangs up." A twitter of laughter is heard from the class.

                "I can't go to the movies! I'm allergic to popcorn!" Mr. Hayden 'oooh's' he loves weird stuff like that.

                "Allergic to popcorn? Oh no! Don't use that lip gloss I just bought you! It was popcorn flavored!"

                Hayden ends the improv, chuckling. A big joke in the class is how whenever Kate and I do an improv together, it always ends up with her being allergic to something. It has been everything from popcorn to small dogs. Together, we walk back to our seats. "Good one you two!" Hayden calls as the bell rings. 1:55 and everything feels back to normal. As Kate and I separate for our final classes of the day, she gives me a quick kiss before disappearing into the throng of people. I turn to head to history when Emma bumps into me. She is sent into a nearby locker.

                "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I ask her. Now I feel bad.

                "No, no, I'm fine. That wasn't the first time it's happened today." She replies, rubbing the back of her head.

                "I'm sorry. Well, have a nice day." I say, turning back to class.

                "Wait! Where are you going? I'm kind of lost." She admits.

                "History with Kran."

                "Oh that's where I'm going too! Can I follow you?" She asks, then stops. "Wait, I didn't meant it like-"

                "I know what you meant. It's fine. Come on. Don't sweat it."

                I walk into the classroom a few doors down from where we had been and head straight to Kran's desk. He looks up, a little more alive than I saw him before. "Ah, Dylan. Did you hear from your mother about Will?" I nod happily. "It's great. I've been so worried about him. Hopefully he's going to be okay. It's a good thing we don't need him to be our goalie any more, right?" I laugh. Nathan was our back up goalie and he would always read on the sidelines, not paying any attention to the game, so by the time he went into goal, he had no idea what the score was or what was going on.

                Coach Kran laughs as well. It's good to see him laughing after today's pain.

                I go to my desk, grinning. I feel ten pounds lighter since the beginning of the day. I see Kran point Emma to the desk next to mine, yet again, she is near me. Now though, I don't mind as much. Now I know Will is going to be okay, Kate and I are back together, and I'm pretty much back on schedule. I feel like nothing can bring me down. Note to life: this is not a challenge.

                Coach gets up from his desk and claps his hands together. "Okay so I'm sure most of you know or have figured out, it's been a tough day for the boy's varsity soccer team, which you all know I coach. Therefore, my lesson plans for today have kind of been blown out the window because I've had to deal with a lot of things today so it's a free period. Do homework for another class, study for a test, read, whatever, please just stay quiet and don't kill each other or break school rules." He announces.

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