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The trip was cut short, the morning was filled with pouring rain and everything we had left out got soaked. We had finished packing everything up in about half hour and were on our ride back to our apartment. Moxie had a jeep, the windows down and loud Taylor Swift music blasting from the speakers. Brett knew every word, singing along with Moxie.

"Im glad we made friends," Leo puts his arm over the window ledge and tilts his head back, closing his eyes and enjoying the fresh rain air. The rain had stopped moments before, allowing the sun to shine through the trees and attempt to dry up the dirt road we were on.

"Me too," I smile when he looks over at me, reaching for my hand and holds it tightly. It could be this easy, we could simply be boyfriends. We can hold each others hands and be romantic together. I wanted to cuddle him whenever I wanted to and let him know how much I loved him every day. But it wasn't that simple, because we already did all of those things. The only difference was it was strictly just a friendship we had been building over the years. We were so comfortable together that nothing was really a limit anymore. 

One thing I was certain of was last night. The chills going up my spine when his tongue ran over my lips for the first time. The kiss was gently, soft, but also intimate and hot. I almost couldn't stop myself. 

His fingers ran down the back of my spine and stopped at the dip in my back. His kiss tore from me and left my mouth cold while he warmed my neck. His tongue present through the process and running over my skin. I keep my eyes closed, worried he would see pleasure in my eyes. What was so bad about me enjoying it anyway, that doesn't mean I'm into guys, right?

"We could stop for lunch before heading back if you guys are interested?" Moxie looks through the rear view mirror and I move my hand away from Leo's, pushing my hair back. Relax, Axe, you're over thinking everything.

"Im down for some real food. Those PB & J sandwiches last night were good, but a guys gotta eat!" Leo smacks the side of Moxies seat and uses it for leverage to help him sit up. Brett gasps at the next T Swift song that comes on and cranks the radio up. Everything other than scream singing was inaudible until we arrived at 'Louis Mac and snack Shack.' So much for real food. 

I follow the three into the restaurant and slip into the booth. A waitress joins us immediately, handing us menus and introducing herself. I ordered a vanilla shake and a burger, putting my hands in my lap quietly while everyone else orders. 

"I don't understand how you smell so good, like all the time." Leo slides his hand over my sweats, a hand squeezing my right ass cheek. I hear a grumble from him and he meets his lips with mine for another quick kiss. "And you have like the softest lips ever. I mean, I already knew that but it's different when it's a kiss." His cheeks grow pink and before I know it Im leaning him back, moving both hands above his head and intertwining our fingers to hold them there with a single fist. 

His long lashes blink slowly up at me, his eyes sparkling in the dim and sparing light we have from the fire lighting up the tent. His lips part as he searches my face, wondering what im going to do next. I guess that was the problem, tho. I was definitely too much of a chicken to just take him right here. It had been a dream of mine, maybe but that doesn't mean I have to follow through with it. I had rules set in place for myself and the biggest one was the most important; friendship first.

As much as I wanted to dive deep and show Leo every inch of passion I had for him, I couldn't risk our friendship. I couldn't put my own needs first simply because I couldn't control myself around him. I knew he was hot, that's the issue. Ive always known he was the most handsome guy I would ever know. But thinking he's handsome and finding out I was Bisexual came at totally different times. 

"Shakes!" Moxie thanks the waitress as she pulls hers closer. Brett moans at the taste and Leo nods in agreement. But he didn't order a shake.

"Hey!" I pull my shake he had stolen toward me and take a long, well waited sip of the delicious cream. 

"You won't share?" Leo pouts and takes another straw shoving it in my shake. 

"You could have ordered one!"Brett jumps in on my side, a grin forming on my lips.

"Yeah, exactly." I pull it away slightly.

"Buns." He groans at me and pulls the shake toward him again. I pull it back and he glares, pulling toward him again. This happens a few times until the cup gets lost in his grip as I pull toward me harshly. Shake flies up into the air and all over my shirt. The whole table goes silent and Leo covers his mouth, holding back a laugh. "Leo, i'm, i'm sorry."he giggles between fingers and I get up, shaking my head at him and leave them in silence.

If he wanted a shake he could have ordered one, then again we have shared before and it would have been cute. But it would be weird with Moxie and Brett, right? I push through the bathroom door and take my shirt off, accidentally getting shake on my chest in the process. I groan loudly and shove it into the sink, using the water to run over it.

"Buns, im sorry." Leo joins me, looking in the sink and frowning. "You probably could have just used tissue or something. Now you're going to have a big wet spot on your shirt." he looks at me and I only glare at him in return. "It's just a shake, Ax." 

"My shake."

"We always share, I didn't know you were going to just randomly decide to hold your drink hostage just this once."

"Well things are different now, we have other friends too."

"What do they have to do with the shake?" He stops the sink and I step back, allowing him to clean my shirt for me. 

"Things are different now, L. We can't just go around acting like we used to."

"Is this because of Moxie? I knew you liked her." He picks up the wet shirt and rings out the area we had soaked. 

"She's not that bad I guess." I lean against the wall, watching wimpy the shirt out on the counter. He wets a piece of paper towel and wipes the shake off my chest.

"Not that bad?" he stops wiping to look at me, I could see slight panic in his eyes and it made my stomach twist. This is what he wanted right? He wanted to experiment with me to see what he wants, that doesn't mean he's into me other than for practice. 

"I guess she's got nice boobs or something."


"Yeah, and we have been hanging out with them for a while so I don't see any reason why I wouldn't like her." I shrug, his hands falling to his sides. 

"Oh, right, yeah I guess." he laughs, his eyes fall to the ground and my instincts make me reach for him. I wasn't sure I was able to be mad at him. "I wish things were that easy, I don't know what I was thinking. This whole idea of mine was so stupid. You totally would have gotten with her if I didn't interrupt you guys last night." Hot and all over the place, he had no idea what he wanted and here I was telling him I knew that I wanted Moxie. I notice a bit of shake on his cheek and wipe it off with a finger, causing him to look at me with hope.

"You had shake," I mumble, the glow in his eyes seemed to lift when I touch him. 

"shake on my face?" he sniffs and I realize his eyes looked glazed over. My heart in that moment felt like it tore. "Im an idiot."

"you're not an idiot, I should have shared."

"No, I shouldn't have expected us to stay the same. Especially with us going to college and meeting other people. Im sorry I put this on you, I won't be a hassle anymore." He steps back and I reach for his hand to stop him. But it slips out of my grasp when he walks away. "We can act like normal friends now." He mumbles, leaving the bathroom and leaving me behind. I stand there for a moment, my wet shirt on the counter and my thoughts swimming. A normal friendship? Was what we had not a normal friendship? 

I grab my shirt the moment the door to the bathroom opens and awkwardly stand infant of the dryer. The loud hum from the warm air fills my ears as I zone out into thought. 

A normal friendship, like how Brett and Moxie are friends, how Lydia comes and goes as she pleases. None of them hangout as much as Leo and I did, none of them held hands and cuddled at night. I didn't want a normal relationship with Leo, but it wasn't only my choice.

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن