Loké .9

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His eyes widen as he bats his eyes. He wasn't wrong, I did owe him a kiss, one that I never thought I'd give. But when I looked at Seb he was nodding, a look of sadness in his eyes. He knew Jake was moving on and I did too.


"Wait what?" Jake looks confused now, looking between Seb and I. "But you guys."

"He owes you." Seb shrugs and winks at Jake. I laugh and watch as Jake crawls over to me. I look around, making eye contact with T. He looked at me confused and I used this moment to show him he needs to step up.

I pull Jake close, a leg on either side of my waist. He wore a zip up sweater over his nice shirt because he thought it was too much. His hair was messy but styled at the same time. His eyes big as he looked at me. I could tell that he was scared of me not being in charge anymore, but I never meant to take over that role on purpose. I knew he would find someone perfect for him.

His cheeks go pink as he leans in and kisses me, my hands find his back as I smile into it. He was adorable, he was innocent and pure. His hand moves up to the back of my head and he pulls gently. I feel his tongue gently slide on the bottom of my lip, making me open. His hips grind forward on me and his tongue goes deeper. The small kiss turned into a makeout before I knew it. But that didn't mean I was going to stop, even if I won't be in charge of him.

I push his tongue back with mine and squeeze his waist, resisting the urge to slam him against the couch and pin him. I wanted to fuck him and I couldn't. He smiles into the kiss, our tongues having a little war ending with me gently biting it and sucking. He moaned into my mouth letting me give him one more firm kiss before I broke it. He pouts, and I bite my lip. I wanted more, I wanted so much more but I knew I shouldn't.

His smile slowly turns to a frown as I release his waist. Our eyes look into one another and I give him a small nod. He shakes his head and I see tears forming.

"Go talk to him." I nod toward T who was closer but seemed annoyed, looking anywhere but over here. Jake looks at him then me again.

"No" he whines and covers his face. "I want you, I need you." He sniffs and I pull him into a hug, catching a glimpse of Seb. He smiles at me and then looks around the room awkwardly. I lean Jake back gently and smile.

"I know, but I'm taken." His eyes meet mine and he looks over at Seb then back at me. I could tell Seb was now looking at us but I kept my gaze on Jake.

"Really?" He sniffs and smiles. "You better treat him like gold!" He giggles and wipes his own tears.

"You better go get your man." I nod toward T who looks away as soon as Jake looked over.

"Okay, okay, I can do this." He hugs me tightly I take his zipper, slowly pulling it down. His eyes connect with mine for the last time as I slowly take it off of him.

"Go get him tiger." I wink, making him blush. He definitely had more confidence, his shirt now showing his figure and not covering how nicely his pants shaped his ass. He walks over and I see the big smile on T's face as Jake gently tugs on his arm to get his attention.

"He's a nice kisser, isn't he?" I hear, looking over at Seb.

"He's alright, I've had better." I wink, getting smacked in the arm. Seb and I definitely had heated kisses that wouldn't too anything. But other than Seb, Jake definitely takes the cake. Even tho I let him go, I definitely wish we would have had a threesome first.

"Well you better treat me like gold then."

"I want to fuck the shit out of you"

"That might hurt." He giggles and ruffles my hair. "You know, I haven't heard of a gold fetish before." I stare at him as he ruffles my hair, his laughs being contagious I bit my tongue, looking at him seriously.

"Go to the bathroom."

"What? But."

"Go, to the bathroom." I stand up, walking over to Jake and T, killing a distance. I wanted to make sure he was okay. I notice Them turned toward eachother, Jakes hand on his chest as he talks softly to him. T leans in and whispers something into his ear, smirking and walking away. Jake is left, eyes closed and a smile on his face. "You okay?"

"Loké?" He opens his eyes and runs to me in a hug. I hug him back gently and watch his wide eyes as he talks. "He's sweet but like also somewhat demanding like you are. He wants to hangout again, like go for breakfast but I don't know if I can do that, I'm scared." He chews his lip and blushes once he realized how fast he's talking.

"We can talk about that later. Right now you need to not over think all of this. Live in the now and tell him you will let him know later. Just breathe." I comb his hair back and he nods, looking around.

"Where is Sebastian?"

"Uh, Bathroom." I chuckle, realizing he's not on the couch.

"But, uh, T went to the bathroom." Jake frowns. "So he can't be." His words linger in the air as my mind goes blank. I look up the stairs to the bathroom door. It was closed with the light on and no one waiting outside. I push through the crowd, my whole world felt as if it had stopped. I found myself banging on the door as hard as I could. The music was loud and I grit my teeth, pounding over and over again.

If he fucking touches my boyfriend I swear that will be the last time he ducking touches anything. I'm pounding over and over on this stupid wooden door.

"Get the fuck out here right now!" I scream, grabbing the handle I curse at the lock and look around, grabbing a Dude in the hallway. He looks terrified but I was unable to give any other emotion except rage. "Quarter." I growl, him struggling to get his wallet out. He hands me a dime and says sorry over and over. I take it, pushing it through the bathroom door handle and twisting to successfully unlock the door.

Less than a second later my eyes adjust to the light and I see T standing infront of the toilet with his mouth agape, he zips his fly up and blinks at me.


"Where is he?" I walk up to him, pushing him back against the wall. "Where the fuck-!"


Short, Gay, Stories 2.0जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें