What he got .1

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The extension of 'What he wants'

I've shoved it in the back of my mind, memories flooding in every once in a while. But it's been a few years, we're on our second year of college and he got over his reserved stage. Owen has slept with a few girls, I'd know because we decided to be roommates. How cliché, I know. We are bestfriends and actually got into the same college.

The issue I have is that I would like to get some, some days too. But I'm picky, and I've still not found any girls that are worth my time. So when Owen says bye to the girl he's currently talking to for like a week only I cross my arms and spin aim my desk chair to look at him.

"What now?"

"You used to never sleep around, now you fuck some bimbo in the first week?" I take a bite out of my carrot stick dipped in ranch and he gives me a snooty look.

"Atleast im not lonely in my room twenty-four seven eating fucking vegetables in a corner." He rolls his eyes and takes his shirt off, tossing it into the basket.

"Fuck you, you're just jealous my corner is cooler than yours."

"Why? Because you put up LED lights, which by the way are crooked and are tacky. Oh and let's not forget the beer poster with the half naked girl pouring beer down her tatas." He sits in his own swivel chair and rolls over to me. "Pathetic." He takes a carrot stick and dips it in ranch, a heavy amount, holding it over his head and sticking his tongue out. The ranch drops onto his chest and he sloppily sides it into his mouth letting ranch go all over his lips.

"You're fucked."

"Atleast I can get fucked." He smirks at me and I clench my fists. Lately he has been extremely cocky about pretty much everything he does. I wanted to knock some sense into him that's for sure.

"Honey," I pat his head and he licks his lips. "It's exactly as you say, you get fucked. These girls probably leave wishing they never came over. I'd say it's a stretch to call what you do fucking."

"I'm more gentle, passionate, you wouldn't get it, they love it."

"Trust me, I know you're gentle. But these girls, they probably feel bad for you."

"Fuck you. Get out." He stands up and clenches his fists, I stand aswell and smile. He was hot when he was flustered.

"We both live here, genius. You're just mad that I'm right. Do they even finish? Because I don't think you do." I laugh a little and he steps backward, looking down. My heart sinks a little and he chews his lip. Maybe that was a little far, I had a feeling he never finished but I thought maybe he was just quiet.

"I hate you."

"Owen," I sigh and step forward, lifting his chin I see his eyes brimmed with tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad."

"Then why say anything at all, especially if you know I'm struggling! You're supposed to be my bestfriend!" He whimpers and pushes me away, going to his bed and hiding under the covers.

"I just want to help." I groan loudly so he will hear and sit on the end of his bed. He may be annoying lately but I knew that's as to what he was really like. "Owen." I groan again, louder and he stays quiet. "Don't make me come get you."

"Go away." He sniffles and I frown, my heart tugging, I climb under his blankets until my face meets his. "I said away, not closer." He sniffles and wipes his tears.

"Talk to me, what's going on?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm not doing it right. That's why I've been with a few different girls okay? I'm not trying to be like, a fuck boy or whatever you call it." His hair was sticking to his forehead and he looked defeated.

"You're not, I know you. If this is what you need to do to find out what's going on then I'll support you." I rest a hand on his cheek and his eyes meet mine. It's been a while since we have cuddled in bed together, since our faces were this close. Moving to college meant separate beds, a big change from when he used to crawl into my bed with me at the end of the night. My mattress was apparently softer, I wasn't going to argue.

"Remember when we had that one day?" He whispers, eyes falling away from mine. "When we, uh, yeah." He blushes and my hand wraps around his waist. Thinking about it made me feel weird. We both silently agreed not to bring it up again, but it's been so long. "And then in the car." He adds and I bite my lip, my mind thinking back to all of the moments we had.

"Yeah," I breathe, eyes wandering to his lips. He had a bit of ranch left on the corner of his mouth. The butterflies in my stomach go nuts and I squeeze his side, trying to calm my nerves.

"Would you ever, uh, do that again?" His voice is scratchy, quiet. I didn't know how to answer him, did I want to? I mean I'd love to, but so many things changed after that day.

It's been about a month since Owen and I had our day together. I find myself feeling strange when he talks to girls now. Before I'd be happy for him, but now I feel strange, sad, annoyed. I want to press him against the wall and kiss him every time he smiles.

I want his attention on me and his heart to skip a beat because of me. I want to be the one who makes him happier every day. I knew some of those things were true already, but I wanted him to be mine. Since that day, I knew I liked him more than just my bestfriend.

"I think I'd be okay with that." My mind is focused on his hand as it runs up and down my arm. Why am I putting myself through this, again?

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