What he wants .2

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"I, uh, I can see that." His cheeks were bright red and he began kissing me again. We began slowly this time, his hands going up my back under my shirt. I got chills, using one hand on the wall to steady myself and the other under his ass to keep him up. "How one I've never seen this side of you?"

"We've never been intimate, Owen." My eyes meet his and he touches our noses together.

"Right," He smiles, a wandering hand trailing down my chest. "Well you're fucking hot."

"You really are." I smirk, watching him get even more flustered over my words. "I've always found you extremely attractive."

"Why haven't you done anything about it?"

"We're straight." I raise an eyebrow of confusion at him and his eyes fall to the floor.

"Right" he mumbles quietly and I felt my heart drop. He went from really happy to sad in seconds. It had to be my fault right? We are the only ones talking.

"What are you thinking about?" I set him down gently and lift his chin.

"I'm happy we're doing this date right, but something tells me I'm going to be sad when it's over."

"So let's not waste any time." I push his hair back and run my thumb over his lip. We were to do couple things too, so why not cheer him up. "Let's go on a date, we can go to the zoo, get ice cream.."

"Really?" His eyes were wider and full again. I nod my head and watch him excitedly hug me. "I'll be ready in ten!" He grabs my neck and kisses me deeply, I add a bit of tongue at the end and close my eyes as he walks away. I knew what he meant for sure, because I going to miss his lips like crazy.

I go to my room in our shared house and put on a button up black shirt along with dark blue jeans. Add some water to fix my hair and a single ear ring just because I can. I top it off with cologne and stand outside his door after knocking, hands in pockets as I wait.

"Holy shit."

"I'm here to pick up Owen," I smile at him, his mouth agape as he looks at me. He looked amazing, white shirt and blue jeans. He was in the middle of fixing his hair when he opened the door so obviously I shove my hand in it and ruffle it up.

"Hey!" He frowns and pushes me away.

"It's cuter when it's messy." I let my eyes wander him before planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Can we just fuck, like right now?"

"Owen!" I gasp and he blushes for the third time in what, fifteen minutes? "I'm here to take you on a nice little date and you better behave."

"Yes Sir," he winks and walks to the mirror, adding finishing touches. And yes, in my mind I wanted to rip his clothes off.

Once he's done we head to my truck, the boys hardly notice we left since they are playing games. We decided the zoo would be a great idea, walking around looking at animals together was actually a lot more fun when I knew it was a date. We came here with the boys before, but we never really did too many things just the two of us.

A bunch of other couples walked down the paths, some with kids, some not. But what stood out was them holding hands. It was when we stood infront of the monkeys and watched them eat each others lice when I decided to slip my hand into his. I held his hand firmly, smiling as he looked down at them.

"Your hands are soft." He whispers, looking back at me. "You sure you're okay looking Gay in public?" He bites his bottom lip. "Cause if you are so am I."  He looks around when I don't say anything and goes to pull his hand away. I'm all honesty I was just a little shocked at what he said. This isn't a real date, this would all be over after today.

I kiss him gently, his panic seeming to calm as I do. I've had the same mind set since we started, and I will not waste today.

"Okay," he giggles and looks back at the monkeys. After the Zoo we grabbed some ice cream and sat on a bench by the water. We were quiet for a while, my arm around his shoulder and he stayed close. After the ice cream we rush back to the truck, the sun had vanished and it started pouring. But disregard the weather, It was a date to remember, one I felt butterflies throughout the whole thing.

"That was nice," he whispers in the truck, running his fingers along the window gently. It gave me an idea, using the same gentle touch I rest my hand on his thigh, running my fingers up and down slowly as I drive. It was peaceful and the rain started coming down slowly. "Pull over."


"Just, pull over or something the rain is heavy." He groans and I frown, looking at the water. It was starting to pour hard but I could easily see. Instead of arguing, I pulled over. "Good boy."

"Don't you fucking say that to me." I put the car into park and glare over at him. I made it quite clear how I operated.

"You listened to me, you're a good boy." He winks, my eyes narrow and I put the car into Drive. "What are you doing."

"I'll go 100 over the fucking bridge in a second if you talk to me like that again." I hiss at him and his eyes widen. He puts a hand on mine and shifts us into Park again. He nods his head and puts his hands in his lap.

"Geez you're intense."

"I told you I'm different intimately, that's why I'm so picky, no one can take it." I grip the steering wheel and put my forehead on it, closing my eyes. I felt so confused, so different than I've seen other people be in relationships. When he talked back to me I just wanted to teach him a lesson, not hurt him, but fuck the damn shit out of him.

"I kind of like it." He says quietly free a while and I look over. "But I'm not going to just do what you say either, it's too much fun to get you worked up." He giggles and my heart sinks. There it was, the fucking brat I'm him came out clear. I knew he wouldn't be a sub, but I've never looked at him as this either. My ideal relationship and yet it has to be someone I can't be with.

Don't let it go to waste. And I didn't, I undid my seat belt and his, pulling him over onto my lap. His eyes run down my body and he looks stunned.

"Look at me." I growl and he does, his hands on my chest run up to my neck and he leans in for a kiss. Right as he does, I move my head and hear a pout from his lips. "Apologize."


"I swear to god." My hand grips the back of his hair and he rolls his eyes. "Now."

"Make me," he grits his teeth. "Or fuck me." He moves closer and drags his tongue down my neck. I was a goner, and I assume anyone would be. Our jeans ended up in the back of the truck and his moans deep into my ear as I hold him against me and finger him. I wanted to go hard, but at the same time I wanted him to enjoy it. Once he was ready he stared moaning louder and I added in more kissing. "I said to fuck me!" He whines and I continue with my fingers. "Please," he whines again and again as I work on his prostate. "I'll listen I promise," he grabs my hand and pulls it away, batting his eyes at me.

"You think you should be rewarded for tour behaviour?"

"Shut up, you're so hot. It like 9pm and our day is lost over. I just want you, please, I need you." He pouts his lip and I can't help but laugh a little. I gave in, easing him onto me before thrusting deep and holding him as I pounded against him.

Let's just say, today was definitely one of my favourite days in a long time.

Loved this

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora