Enemy of mine .3

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So I guess Mr popular got us invited to a party. It's Saturday night so I wouldn't expect any thing less with how many girls were all over him.

"Just breathe, dude, we can leave whenever you want." He reassures me, after basically forcing me to go so he won't have to show up alone. He grins at me, smoothing my shirt down and making sure my hair is placed nicely.

"I hate this."

"I know, that's why you're great for going with me." He pouts and fixes his own shirt before we get to the house. Why, why was I doing this for him? I'm not supposed to be his friend, he's an enemy. I tell myself this over and over, but he's the only person I spend time with. He's the only guy I hate yet also enjoy being around. But do I hate him? Or do I just envy that Lola wants him.

"This is going to suck."

"Try to have fun okay?" He mumbles as we enter the house. Quite a few people here were already extremely intoxicated. I follow him around at first, but after getting tired of hearing people talk highly of him I drift off. I find the alcohol and stand around awkwardly drinking.

The lights, the music, the conversations were all making me sick. I never did well in social situations, so the best idea was to just drink more right?

"There you are!" I pause mid pour of my second drink and Haze grabs my arm, pulling me away from the alcohol. I was buzzed but I wanted more. "I'm not leaving you alone after you came here for me."

"Came for you." I giggle at what he said and look up to see him chuckling aswell.

"You idiot," he winks at me and my cheeks grow warm. It could be from the alcohol, so I start drinking my second drink faster. "Hey, hey," he calmly says, taking it from me and setting it down on the table infront of us.

"No my drink!" I whimper, being pulled down onto the couch beside him.

"You know, for a bestfriend I take care of you quite a lot." He touches my nose and I freeze, looking at him as if he's absolutely nuts. Did he just say best friend? I focus my eyes on him, then the drink, and grab it to chug the rest. I shake my head a little at the strength but pretend it doesn't bother me. What did he say?

"For a what?" I clear my throat and look down, he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers gently.

"You're my bestfriend, Car. I'd never do something to make you uncomfortable, so just tell me when you've had enough and we can leave." His voice was calming and his arm lifts up to go around my head. I lean on his torso and instantly feel comfort, closing my eyes. Why did I hate him again?

"Haze!" I hear Lolas voice and my eyes open immediately. "I didn't think you were going to come!" She giggles, the right red dress she's wearing is almost see through at the top. My stomach drops as I see her staring directly at Haze, almost as if I don't exist.

"Yeah, I did tho." He says in a monotone voice, her sweet smile beams in his direction as she sits on his other side. He squeezes me tighter against him and I blink a few times, finally feeling a little drunk.

"I'm glad, I wanted to dance with you." She coo's and I quince at her voice. Why did she have to like him? Why couldn't she like me.


"Yeah, so want to? Er, dance?" She drags on and I close my eyes tighter and hide my face in his chest.

"Actually I think we're gonna be headed out soon."

"A quickie, then." She giggles.

"You want me to dance that badly?" He groans and I pout, feeling his arm move from me. Suddenly I'm moved and I open my eyes to see his hand in mine still. I'm dragged to the floor and he wraps my arms around his neck. "Are you okay?" His hands hold my hips steady and I nod. I hear him laugh a little and pull my body against his, letting us sway together.

It felt like mere seconds before we're moving again. I hear a goodbye and the dead of night as we walk back. The air helps sober me up a little, but I was enjoying how everything felt. Eventually I am covered in a blanket and given some water.

"They always put so much alcohol in the punch." He climbs in the bed next to me and tips the water up. I take a sip and he sets it on the night stand. "Thanks for coming."

"I didn't come yet." I giggle, laughing at my own joke. He's silent for a little while and I hear a sigh. "What, is that weird for a bestfriend to say?" I giggle again, mocking him for calling me that earlier. He didn't really feel that way did he?

"No, If you were sober I'd have to change that tho." His hand finds my hair and I close my eyes at the touch.

"Huh?" I smile and lay down, pulling his hand off my head and wrapping it around my waist instead.

"Carter," he groans and lays down beside me. "You're so drunk."

"So are you."

"I'm a little bit, but nothing compared to you." His hand runs along my torso over top of my shirt. "I wish we weren't, tho." He mumbles and I bite my lip, feeling his fingers touch the skin where my shirt was lifted. My lips part as I think back to my shower earlier.

"Why?" I mumble, blinking and looking over at him. He groans and shakes his head. I wish I got more out of him, but instead he wrapped his arm around my waist and hid his head in my back like he always did. The comfort made me smile and I couldn't resist falling asleep.

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz