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"This place is pretty cool." Leo fixes his hair as we walk in with Bret and Moxi. Lydia said she was too tired to join. I had to ask the group chat tho, right? We had plans for tomorrow so we couldn't go today without even letting them know.

"It's so cool, come on let's get a drink." Bret takes Leo's hand and walks off with him toward the bar. I noticed there was a lot of guys here.

"So you guys couldn't wait?" Moxi sits down at a table with me but my eyes are glued to Leo. I watch Bret's hand touch his back slightly as they ordered. "Axel?" She hums and I feel a pat on the table. "Bret is a good guy." Her hand touches mine and it makes me look over at her. She sends a sweet smile.

"I just care about him that's it." I focus on her for a moment, telling myself I shouldn't be staring at the boys. There was a beautiful, sweet girl right infront of me. And we got along well.

"Bret has been with some guys before you know, it's not his first rodeo. He won't hurt him, he has good intentions." She smiles as the guys approach us with multiple drinks. What intentions?

"Axy-buns!" Leo exclaims and hops onto my lap. He tilts a martini glass to my lips and I try to drink as much as he pours, until I had to stop him. "We might have had like two shots super quick." He muffled into my ear and runs a hand through my hair, smiling at it like it was his first pet.

"Oh did you?" I take the glasses from him and set them down. He looks at Bret who sat beside Moxi and picks his glass up again. "Leo."

"Ax, it's fine." He pours the rest of his drink down his throat and shows me his tongue. "See, I'm sober."

"That's not how that works." I sit up a bit, making him get off me. He was acting super strange lately and I wasn't sure if I should be concerned or cheering him on anymore.

The night continued on the same way. More drinks, loud music and watching the boys run off. I think they were gone a full hour once, making me even more anxious than I had been used to. Leo knew he was the only one I trusted.

"And that's how we all met, but I mean it's not that entertaining of a story unless you were there I guess." Moxi smiles, stands up and opens her arms as Bret returns. They hug and Bret looks off into the distance. Leo was dancing next to a few girls, getting most of the attention from the few ladies that were here. Typical Leo.

"I'm sorry, I should probably take him home." I stand up, giving hugs to them both and making my way to Leo.

"Ax! This is my best friend, isn't he sexy?" Leo wraps an arm around my shoulder and adds his weight onto me. I'm forced to sway back and forth as the girls giggle. He sips from a new drink and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Yes I'm mad." I glare back at him, only getting a smiling and laughing drunk friend in return.

"I'm sorry," he pouts and sips the rest of his drink, setting it down.

"You guys are so cute," one of the girls gushes.

"Yeah, my brother is gay, he's here tonight too but his relationship isn't as cute as this." One girl leans her head on another as they continue to talk about us.

"We're cute." He smirks at me, watching the girls scream as a song comes on. We follow them as he takes my hand, pulling me off to the dance floor.

"I want to go home." I say clearly to him, watching his hands tangle with mine as he dances in circles, flailing my arms around with him.

"Already? I'm having fun tho." He begins dancing with the girls as I stand there watching them in the middle of the crowd. Some boys join in and I watch one grab his waist.

"I'm leaving." I say loudly through the music. I get a few looks before stomping off. The cold air hits me once I leave the bar. Distant puke noises coming from the right, I walk off in the other direction with my arms crossed. I was walking home.

"Buns!" A few minutes later I hear him behind me. My fists clench and I stop in place. Why was I waiting? I was mad at him. I turn around and watch him stumble after me in a drunken state. "Buns?" He catches his breath and grabs my arm to make himself steady.

"You know I don't do well in social settings alone, you can stay if you want." I shrug his arm off and begin walking again. He groans and moments later he's holding my arm to help himself walk with me.

"I'm sorry, I was stupid to leave you like that. I thought you and Moxi were hitting it off!"

"Me and Moxi? You think I was falling head over heals for her story about her fish she was screaming at me about over the loud music and half naked guys eyeing you up like candy? Not to mention the girls, oh the girls wanted you too. Who doesn't want you Leo?" I laugh and walk with him in silence as he tries to sober up.

It took us about ten minutes to get home, things were close to campus. I unlock the apartment and he stumbles into the kitchen.

"I don't want you to hate me, it's only been two days." He takes out leftovers from yesterday and eats from the container.

"Then don't be stupid."

"Hey, I'm trying my best okay" he licks his fingers and puts the food away. "Besides, I have a lot on my mind."

"Right, because it's always about you." I take the piece of lasagna from his hands he had left and finish it off.

"You could have used a plate you animal." He smirks, licking the fingers on that hand aswell.

"Im the animal? You have everyone all over you all the time."

"Lets move on from that okay? Hey! Can we cuddle tonight?" He changed the subject and I lick my fingers instead of replying.

"I don't want to do this fighting thing." He walks next to me, grabbing my shirt and pulling me into him for a weird drunken hug. I can't help but smile and hug him back.

"Just, don't leave me alone at a bar without telling me next time okay?" He nods in response and I bring a big glass of water to bed with us.

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें