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Lezer and I were that pair that everyone loved and also envied. We go everywhere together, do everything together. We graduated recently and I'm pretty sure we're going to the same college. I turned 18 two weeks ago, Lez In two days, but he was told he will be visiting his uncle on his birthday.

This weekends big graduation party would be one for the books, Lez buttons up the bottom half of his shirt and leaves the upper half open to expose his abs. I grin at him as he plays with the small chain around his neck. For some reason he could pull it off, it wasn't obnoxious and over the top, just a small silver one dangling on his collarbone. I was obsessed with it.

"I don't get what the point of this party is, mate, we're all leaving soon."

"So it's a good bye party, to celebrate our years in school together." I pull down my own shirt. "Besides, An early celebration for you," I smile at him as he stares in the mirror.

"Guess so, but I never really enjoyed parties anyway." He chuckles, the thought of never seeing these people again didn't bother me either, everyone did their own thing.

We make our way over, walking there took about twenty minutes but this way we could both get hammered and not have to worry about driving. The place filled with trashy music and about ten people. We were early I guess, but the place filled up within minutes.

Lezer handed me a drink and we stood around by the stairs. Things were a little awkward at the beginning but eventually everyone started dancing and getting drunk. 

"Lez! Halter!" Our friend Mac from school opens his arms and pulls us into a big hug, thanking us for coming. "There are so many hot girls here bro, some even from the town over!" He chuckles and points to a few girls I had never seen before. I frown, she looked like she was crying. Lez makes her way over and I follow. Of course we was interested in anyone not from our school.

"I'm Lezer." He puts his hand out and I notice him shake a little; He must have been nervous.

"Paula." She holds a drink in one hand, staring at his reaches out arm. After a moment he drops it to his side. A little rude I'd say, poor Lez.

"I'm Halter" I clear my throat and watch Lez look around awkwardly. He hates this, these parties with people we were forced to see every day. It's his birthday in two days and I wasn't aloud to even be there for it. If tonight was the celebration then he needs to enjoy it.

"You're kind of cute." She sips her drink and I narrow my eyes. Lez posture sank as she complemented me. Her eyes shift between us and I could tell she was trying to get a reaction out of him. We were both pretty good looking, and Lez was not someone you would want to ignore.

"I am, yeah." I look her up and down and watch her confidence be in question. She was nothing to me, to him. She was simply just some random human trying to cause drama.

"Cocky much."

"I don't like handing out fake comments so I figured I'd keep my mouth shut." I half smile and feel the cold liquid run down my body as she tosses her drink all over me.

"Oh my gosh!" Lez pulls me to the bathroom and starts dabbing tissue on my shirt. "You didn't have to do that, I'm not weak, I can handle someone shooting me down." He starts breathing heavy and I take the tissue from him, picking pieces of it off my shirt. Toilet paper was not a good way to clean something.

"Lez?" I watch him lean his head against the door behind him and close his eyes. He was shaking earlier and I could see his fingers twitching as he closes his eyes.

"It hurts." He mumbles and looks at me, arms reaching out I pull him into a hug. He was cold, his arms wrap around me and he grabs tightly at my sides to keep himself steady. "It hurts so much."

"Can I help?" I pout, holding him close to me as he hides his face in my neck. "Lez."

"You're so warm." He whimpers against my skin and I frown at how cold he was to touch.

"You don't seem well." I mumble and pull him back, studying his face. "We should get you home, some rest maybe and soup." I push his hair back and his eyes close. He smiles and hazily looks at me, his eyes move down and he leans back on my shoulder.

"You smell good." He giggles and hums in my ear, cold lips attaching to my neck. I feel him gently suck when he kisses my skin. "Really good." His tongue drags up my skin and I push him back against the door.

"I'm taking you home." I grab his hand and pull him out of the bathroom. I wanted to take it slow and make sure he was okay, but he was walking wobbly and everyone was staring. Once home, On his bed I place a wet cloth over his forehead and bundle him up with as many blankets I can find.

"Halter? Is he okay?" Ally, Lez little sister stood at the door step with her head peaking in. She was only 12, but she cared a lot about Lez, as did I.

"I think he's got a cold."

"I'll get dad." She runs off and I look back down at him. A cold, atleast I hope that's all it is. I watch him frown and his eyes slowly open. The beautiful blue replaced with a yellowish glow.

"You fucking idiot!" Lez dad growls as he enters the room and I jump as he yells. "You should have stayed home." He Takes the cloth off and flicks his forehead.

"Hey! Uh, he's not feeling well. I'm not sure if he's in trouble but can it wait until he feels better?" I stand between them and he looks down at me.

"Did a lot of people see?" He mumbles and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"We left as soon as he was feeling odd, sir." I reassure him and frown that he was worried about his image.

"I need to speak with his grandfather." He walks off, slamming the door behind him.

"He hates me." Lez pouts, making me bend down on my knees to be closer to him. He looks over at me weakly, his eyes that blue I'm used to.

"He doesn't hate you, he's worried." I take his hand in mine and smile. Seeing him sad was hard, he's my bestfriend, all I want is to see him happy.

"I'm thirsty." He comments, I look up and ally nods her head walking out. "I'm sorry, for at the party." He reaches for me and puts his hand on my cheek. "Probably not something I should be doing." His hand moves and I feel his finger tips run over my neck where he kissed.

"You weren't yourself." I mumble, a chill through my body at his cold touch.

"You were hot, it felt nice."

"You're sick, any warmth would help you." I smile at him, pulling the blankets up past his shoulders. His lips start shivering again and I feel him squeezing my hand.

Ally comes in the room and hands him a cup with a straw. Her eyes land on me for a moment and back at him. I hope this wasn't too serious, I don't know what I'd do without him.

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें