Shiver 2

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I Haden's seen Lez for a week, he was forced to stay home by his father and I had only a phone to contact him. Today I decided to be a bit more persistent, begging my mother to give me her cookie recipe.

I stand infront of their door, gripping the Tupperware filled with baked goods in my hands. I had watched their dad drive off for work so I knew he wasn't home. Taking a big breath, I ring the doorbell.

"Halter?" Ally answers, looking down to the cookies and back at me. "You can't be here." She mumbles.

"Your dad doesn't need to know." I push the cookies into her arms and let myself in. "I need to make sure he's okay, Al. He's my best friend." I narrow my eyes at her. "Please,"

"He needs rest, Halter, it's not a good idea!" She yells after me and I run up the stairs.

"Lez, are you okay?" I knock on his door once before he opens it and my shirt is grabbed. Before I know it my back is against his door and he's pinning me to it.

"Does my dad know you're here?" He groans, his head facing the floor, breathing heavily.

"You don't look good, please let me help." I put a hand on his chest to try and push him back, maybe get him to lay down. But when I push he simply steps back and walks away. The muscles in his back were more defined as if he has been doing a lot of exercise, even just for a week.

"Why are you here?" He stands infront of his mirror as he always did, but this time he looked different. Pieces of his hair hang over his eyes and he smiles confidently as he twirls his necklace between his fingers. "You missed me."

"Of course I missed you." I reply instantly and watch him lick his bottom lip. Something was off, I knew he would be acting strange because he was unwell, but this almost seems the opposite.

"Isn't it funny, no matter how hard you try you're always going to loose someone you love deeply." He looks over at me and I get a shine of yellow. "Everyone dies, Halt." He walks over to me, fingers leaving his chain, my eyes stay fixed on it. I always thought it made him look hot.

"I guess, but I try not to think about it." I mumble, his blue eyes stay fixed on mine as he gets close again.

"Just like your Aunt died in that car crash, lots of blood. Your cat, Lexi. That one was a shame, she always knew how to comfort you." He clicks his tongue and wipes my cheek. I hadn't noticed my tear. Lez knew I wasn't too broken up when I found out about deaths, but bringing up things that upset me on purpose led me to believe he wasn't himself. That on its own scared me.

"You comfort me, too." I mumble and watch his hands run up my arms. "You know that"

"What happens when I die, Halt, then what? You'd better start thinking." He chuckles and kisses my neck, overtop of the old spot he had made.

"You're not dying, you're sick, and I want to help."

"I'm not sick, Halt, I'm better than I have ever been." He moves so his forehead is on mine, eyes closed. "The best part is I'm not afraid anymore. I can be myself, who gives a fuck right? They aren't relevant anyways." He chuckles and opens his eyes, a shining yellow presents itself and I jump, making him stumble back.

"Lez!" I scream, pushing him away. A loud slam comes from downstairs and I hear thumping.

"Hide," he growls at me, blue eyes gleaming from across the room. I run into his closet and sit, hugging my knees quietly

"Aly said Halt came by." I hear a faint voice. "Did he find out?"

"No dad, but trust me, he can keep a secret, you know he can." Lez groans as his dad starts lecturing him about how he can't trust anyone. I chew my lip as they leave the room together. I wanted to scream, to hug Lez and tell him that he can always be himself around me. He was right, people who won't let him be him are irrelevant, in my books atleast. Because if someone wanted to stop him from being himself then they were also my enemy.

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