Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .5

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I climb into Loké's lap, his arms wrapping around me. Cuddling my head under his chin he laughs and pouts toward Seb. I was accepted and closed my eyes at the feeling of Loké holding me tight against his chest.

"Loké" I hear Seb whine and open my eyes. He's looking over at Malcolm. My eyes follow his and see Malcolm laying on the couch alone, looking rather sad.

"I know," Loké sighs aswell. Do they actually feel bad? I watch Malcolm curl up into the blanket more and remember how lonley I felt when I had to lay there alone while Loké and Seb would cuddle.

"You two can have this couch." Seb gets up and walks over to him. I jump a little and look at Loké worried. He simply laughs at me and I watch Seb get closer to Malcolm.

"No." I get up, leaving the comfort of Loké and growl toward Malcolm. "You two should, you're together." I mumble, Seb tilting his head at me. Realistically I wouldn't mind splitting them up for my own benefit, but sharing either of them with Malcolm was a definite no.

"You sure?" Seb watches me as I grumpy half stomp over to the couch and rip the blanket off Malcolm, wrapping it around myself angrily and sitting down. Seb and Loké look at eachother and then back at me. Seb sends me a 'be nice' warning look and I look to the last person I'd like to see.

Malcolm is curled up on the end of the couch with no blanket now, looking cold and tired. His eyes blink multiple times at me as he tries to understand the situation. He looked harmless, and oddly lonley, like how I must have felt. My glaring eyes fell to the floor and I groan one more time. Crawling to him, I make my way between his arms so he's wrapped around me and share the blanket. We're both quiet, staring at the tv. His leg wraps around mine slowly and his arm slides up my chest, finding my hand and intertwining our fingers together. Sometimes cuddles are a basic need, I don't have to over think it.

"You're soft," he whispers in my ear a few minutes later, a wet kiss on the back of my neck. I heard him, but my mind was on the two boys I deeply cared about. My eyes secretly watching as Sebastian giggles into Loké's mouth and his body lay on top of him. Loké has his hands on his ass and I so desperately wished I was in between them.

I move Malcolm's hand down my chest, allowing him to feel my abs. His steady breath began to get uneven when I put his hand on my jeans. I allow him to feel how hard I am over the material before undoing them myself and sticking my own hand in my pants. My eyes stay open, mouth slightly agape as I watch them, thinking back to when they revealed their discussion of a threesome. I begin imagining Loké kissing me like he did that one day.

"You're so hot." Malcolm's breath pulls me out of my thoughts and his hand replaces mine. I'm caught off guard, biting my lip at the warmth of his hand. He strikes me better than I was and my eyes close. Think of Loké and Seb. I tell myself, imagining Seb holding me tight against him and kissing me like he used to. My breath quickens and I'm turned around. My eyes open suddenly and I'm met with bright green ones. I never noticed how attractive Malcolm was, maybe because I was so focused on trying to hate him.

"What the hell?" My eyes close again, he was making me feel extremely good, but it was hard to focus when looking at him.

"Do you want me to stop?" He whispers, almost as if he thinks we're trying to be secretive. I take a deep breath and open my eyes again. He licks his lips and I find myself staring at them. I knew he was cute when I met him in line, but that's going against everything I've been telling myself. Or maybe I can hate him and find him cute at the same time?

"No, maybe." I pout and force myself to look away from his lips. His hand leaves my pants and I squirm at the sudden loss of connection. "No."

"Jake," he sighs, "watch the movie." He looks past me and my teeth grit together. How dare he do that? He started doing things and then acted as if it was never a thing? No wonder I hated him. He made me feel like an idiot.

"Fuck you." I growl, turning around. I hear him giggle quietly, wrapping an arm around me and hugging tight for a brief moment. What a dick.

After that night I decided to keep a bit of a distance between Malcolm and I. Even tho Seb and Loké had him over almost every other night, I distanced myself and tried to minimize and conversation we had.

Going to the fair? Cool, wait in line silently. Getting ice cream? I'll point to my flavour. Even if he asked how I was when he first came over, not an eye roll but rather an emotionless stare. He could tell something was up, but I was over it. All I needed was Seb and Loké, he needed to get out of my life.

"Ready?" Seb sings and runs into my room. He had a big smile on his face and instantly smooths out my shirt. Today was his birthday and we had promised it would be special. Loké gave him a necklace at dinner as a present. A silver heavy one with a ring on the end. Loké was wearing the same one, it was super gross, I envy their relationship.

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin