Teddy 2/2

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*Disclaimer, all sexual acts are when they are of age. Only flashbacks they are younger*

I woke up with the smell of linen creeping through my nose. Teddy smelt so much better after being washed. I guess being scared to wash him all this time was kind of stupid. My alarm clock read 9:43am. It's a Saturday and the most plans I had for today were to clean my room.

"You're finally up." Liam chuckles, standing at my doorway. "Mom let me in." He walks over to my chair and opens my laptop. I sit up and run my eyes.
"She make breakfast?" I ask, while half yawning.
"She left for work at 9 actually." He raised his brows at me. "Said she had to take her clients out so we're on our own." I all but blink as he just scrolls through my computer. I watch as he types something, his muscular arms have a sort of glow to them that make his skin seem softer than my blankets.
"What are you-" before I finish, my speakers are blasting with moaning sounds and some sort of squishy, wet background.

"Wow, E!" He yells over the noise and laughs. "Didn't know you liked it in the ass." My eyes widen and I crawl toward him as fast as I can, tripling off the bed when the blankets wrap around my foot. I shit the laptop instantly after getting up.

"No! That was you! I saw you!" I yell back at him, my heart racing at the loud sounds that once filled my room.

"Could be." He laughs and pulls me so I'm sitting on his lap. "If you insist." He whispers into my ear, making me shiver.

"You're disgusting." I murmur back and push gently at his chest. My face is hot and I look up to meet his eyes. The biggest grin on his face made me wince and I got off his chair.

Of course I watched him type that up, but I knew exactly what it was. Gay porn. Ever since the day my brother came out to me I have been curious about the fact. Not so much to do it myself but to what drew him to it. I had watched a few and they seemed.. well, dirty. It was always sweaty and fast and scary. The first few months of trying to understand, it was confusing.
Until the books.

I remember searching up bxb, boyxboy, gay, anything to do with boys and the stories, good or bad we're always so cute and romantic. Except for the one where he went crazy over his teacher. Anyways, I ended up appreciating them more and started not skipping the sex scenes.

I looked back at Liam and noticed his grin was gone. His head was slightly tilted and his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Your eyes wander when you think a lot." His voice was calming, yet his words were irritating.
"Don't put that on my laptop. It's gross." I confirm my thoughts and he laughs slightly.

"Says the one with hard on" he says smoothly, making me blush.

"I woke up like this."

"Because you saw me?" His hands slip down and rest on my lower back. I remember reading something like this in a story, of his hands on his ass. It made me secretly wish Liam's hands were just a lite lower.
"No, I."

"I'm teasing. Don't worry, everyone gets morning wood." Liam gets up, letting me go. I follow him downstairs and watch him flip on the tv. The morning went by fast. And we some how ended up playing video games, walking down town for lunch and ended up here, on the living room floor watching YouTube videos and laughing our asses off.

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