Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .7

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The makeout session went on for a few minutes, I was passed between them both multiple times and Loké even said he missed kissing me. I loved them both so much, but what was bugging me was that when I was watching them kiss without me all I could think about was Malcolm's green eyes glazed over as he looked at me with his sad eyes.

If he really did care about me, and look at me like Seb said, then I really fucked up. Because if Loké or Seb said something like that to eachother they would be heart broken.

At the bar again, the two were getting heated and I wanted Seb to have his birthday moment. I got what I wanted. I knew they still loved me but seeing them together made me want what they had, not steal it but to have my own. And that could start with an apology.

I sip on my drink, walking around the bar. The vibes were still a bit off and I chew my lip mindlessly.

"Hey cutie."

"Uh?" I look up at a guy a whole foot taller than me. I gulp and smile at him nicely. It's one thing to attack someone going after Loké or Seb, but this guy wasn't. My blood wasn't boiling and I was a little scared. Wishing it was Malcolm, the same height and build as me. Then I'd actually have a chance.

"You come here often?" What kind of pick up line is that? I shrug as an answer and he smiles down at me wide. "You're shy. Come with me, come meet my friends." He takes my arm and pulls me to the other end of the bar, far away from my protection.

"Bro!" One screams over the crowd and pulls me into the group of guys. I keep quiet and watch them. "Who's this little one?"

"Just found him isn't he sweet?"

"You're adorable. He's perfect for our little friend." One smiles and drapes their arm around me. I'm led toward another hallway and see a guy hovering over Malcolm. One hand on the wall, another hand in his hair twirling it as he talks to him. Malcolm looked uncomfortable and I'm gently pushed in their direction.

"Someone broke his heart, see? He's been crying and we took him in to make him feel better. You two would be so cute together, maybe you can cheer him up." One smiles and another nods at me.

"No, I." I start saying and Malcolm makes eye contact with me.

"I have to go guys." He says through broken words. My heart sinks and I watch him take the hand out of his hair.

"No, no don't go yet, I'll make you feel better if anything." The guy touching him frowns and starts kissing his neck. My eyes burn into the action and I grit my teeth.

"I can't be here not right now." Malcolm whines.


"Yeah why?" Another looks at me then at him, then back at me. "Wait are you the dude? Oh god, he's the dude!"

"you're the dude? Oh come on man." The original guy tisks at me and they all start talking. The guy touching Malcolm begins running his hand down his arm and I look at Malcolm's face. He begins nodding as he looks at me scared. That was all I needed, as if a switch was flicked. I didn't care how tall or scary they were. I kick the guys arm that's touching him and use both hands to push his disgusting face off his neck. I'm standing infront of Malcolm and feel him hug my back, head hiding in my shirt.

"What the fuck?" The touchy guy waves his arm around as if it hurts.

"You all can fuck off before I get the police involved."

"We was trying to help." The first dude groans and the others mumble.

"You maybe, but definitely not touchy touchy over here. So leave us alone, now." I glare, taking Malcolm's hand and rushing away with him.

We go back to where Loké and Seb were, now dancing and Seb leaning on Loké for balance. Malcolm let's go of me and rushes to the bar to order some drinks. After that he might need it, I know I do.

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