Closet doors 4

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"Was that your real dad?" I mumble as Carter brings me to my room. He sighs and hands me a tablet, smiling a little.

"Yeah, but don't listen to him okay? Colby is nothing like what he made him seem." Carter walks away, leaving me to read a few pages on my next job.

It's been about a week since I've been moved up. The bed is extra soft and everyone treats me nicely here. Except Colby, he's been a little distant since that night. He sends me the odd smile at meal times and communicates with me about job stuff. Al of us went to the pier a few days ago and it actually felt like we were all becoming friends. Or a fourth to their family I should say.

"We have another big order." Colby joins me in the little office area of the house. He takes a book from the shelf and opens it to a name with an address. "Here." He blinks down at me emotionless until I nod and he starts walking away. I missed him.

"Colby?" I ask softly before he leaves and he stops at the door, slowly turning to me. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Carter knows more about this customer."

"Please?" I bite my lip, watching him stand there timidly. After a moment he signs and looks outside the room before closing the door.

"We need to be quiet, Hault is on an important call." He crosses his arms and walks over, sitting next to me. His finger points to the name in the book and I quickly point to it too, anything to get a little closers

"This one,"

"Yeah, and their name connects alphabetically to here?" I lean closer to him as if my arm was in able to reach too far away.

"Yes, Blake, see you understand." His eyes find mine but he doesn't smile.

"No, I don't understand." I let my hand fall so it slightly touches his. He looks at our hands and then back at me. "Help me understand, please?" I inch closer, hoping he won't notice.

"Blake, I want to." His hand moves from under mine and I feel my heart sink. But then he puts it on top, gently running his fingers along my skin.

"Why can't you?"

"My dad, he, he thinks we all have so much hate in us for your family. He thinks we would hurt you." His hand moves to my face and runs along my jaw line. "I'd never hurt you."

"I know," I put my hand on his and he lets out a sigh.

"Blake." He drops his eyes to my lips and I do the same. He was so handsome, gentle and caring. Test your sexuality out on my I couldn't give a damn I'd be lucky to even have a little.

"Colby, it's okay." I rest my head on his hand a little before moving myself a little closer. I place a small kiss on the corner of his lips and look at his reaction. He seemed lost, but also wanting more. I kiss again, the other side of his mouth. He's still, but not pulling back. This time I get close enough to kiss him, but leave an inch between us. Our eyes look into each others and his hands fall to my waist. I feel him squeeze and can tell he's holding back.

"Blake." He whines, no response from me until I feel him finally lean in for a full kiss. I return it, again looking at his response. He pulls me closer so I'm sitting on his lap. I lean down and kiss him again, feeling him pull me closer as he kisses me back. The small of his tongue rims my bottom lip for too short of amount of time before he pulls back. The tablet made a ring sound and the colour in his faces drained a little. He looks up at me and then almost through me before pushing me off him gently.

"Colby!" I hear a shout and he rushes downstairs, I'm left alone awkwardly sitting on the chair. Curiosity gets to me and I look at the alert. All of their money this week we made has been taken out of the account.

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