Loké 2: Jakes redemption .3

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A ringing in my ear makes me cover them as I find my way back to the dance floor. My eyes scanning for Loké and Seb but not finding them everywhere. I chew my lip, the guilt building inside of me.

"Leave me and my friends alone, you came here with your own friends, stick with them instead of getting in others business."

My eyes scan the whole room over multiple times before going to grab a drink. I notice his soft white with light blue throughout his shirt. He grabs two and walks away. My curiosity gets to me and I follow him with my eyes. Ordering my drink, I pay quickly and try to catch up with him. He looks back and smirks, I could tell he knew I was watching him.

As if he deliberately went against my wishes, I spot Seb standing alone next to the bathrooms. Malcolm walks up to him and I stop in my tracks. He hands him a drink and Seb looks surprised, but grateful. They begin talking and I hate how cozy they look together.

"I'm sorry about him." I hear beside me and jump. "He told me what you said, and we'll he doesn't exactly take well to being told what to do." This guy puts a hand on my shoulder and I look at him, remembering him from one of the friends outside with Malcolm.

"He's annoying."

"You challenged him."

"I told him to stay away from my friends." I growl, looking the guy up and down. "What's your name?"

"Teddy," he smiles down at me and his rough hands run down my arm. I noticed Malcolm staring in our direction.

"Well Teddy, want to makeout?" I get closer to him and he looks confused. "He won't stay away from my friends, I won't stay away from his."

"Sounds evil, I like it." His hand falls to my waist. "But we're not exactly frien-" his words muffle as I kiss him. Me moans deeply against my lips, almost frozen for a moment until I bite his lip, licking and sucking gently. After a few moments his kisses me back and his hands pull my waist toward him. Our bodies mesh together it felt a little odd.

"You fucking dumb ass." I'm pulled away from him and face to face with Malcolm. "What is your problem?" He pushes me and I stumble back,

"Don't fucking touch him." I look to my right to see Loké leaving the bathroom and headed over with a red face. Malcolm was going to get it. But instead I see Seb grab Lo by his shirt and pull him back lovingly, talking to him and calming him down. "Oh" I hear Loké and know he's distracted. I'm screwed without my body guard.

"My p-problem is you!" I hiss back at Malcolm, his teeth grit as he gets ready to punch Me.

"You have a problem with me so you kiss my straight fucking brother, you stupid asshole. He's hammered he's never even kissed a dude before." Malcolm pushes me again and I look behind him to see his brother looking around drinking his drink as if nothing happened.

"He seemed to enjoy it." I mutter, pushing his buttons but knowing very well his brother was hardly into it. I'm grabbed by my shirt and dragged away. I look back at Seb and Loké for help. Seb looks at me weird and Loké has an 'I'm sorry but Seb said I can't help' look while trying not to make eye contact.

"Who do you think you are?" Malcolm scolds after we leave the bar, he pulled me to the side of the building and pushed me to the ground.

"I said leave my friends alone and you didn't!" I slur, realizing I'm a little drunk. "So-so I didn't leave your friends alone either."

"Idiot." He growls and comes up to me, crouching down to my level in the dirt. I lean back on my hands and look at him with big, terrified eyes. "I'll make sure that's exactly what you get then. I won't leave your friends alone." He smiles slowly, almost evil but a menacing grin.

"Jake?" I hear Seb and Loké, looking toward the street.

"Mark my words, Jake." He stands up again, pulling me up and hating off his hands. "We're over here." His voice sounds super soft and he fixes my hair. Seb runs over and Loké joins.

"He okay?" Loké gushes and hugs me, I whine and hide in his chest.

"It's fine, we talked about it and I forgave him but he said he was feeling sick. I thought it would be good to get some air." Malcolm tells Seb and my eyes watch as Seb nods his head, concerned. What an evil, condescending, sexy piece of work. I hated him.

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