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I closed my locker door, only to be greeted with an overly happy Lake. An inch shorter than me, brown poof of hair tossed around in attempt to the side.

"Miss me?" I laugh, earning a gentle punch from him.

"You idiot, you absolutely idiotically idioting nimrod!" He punches me harder this time, following a harsh hug. I stumble back, surprised he was so affected from my fall.

"You almost died, Trev." He says softly, his eyes becoming glossy. I felt my heart sink, pulling him closer again. His hands grab at the back of my shirt, tugging on me. I look up to a giggle, some girls walking by us, smirking.

"I didn't die, I was no where close to dying. okay?" I push him off me gently and rub my hands over my face, throwing my bag on my back and walking with him to the exit doors. "How bad was it?"

"Doc said you should remember things from that night slowly," his head hung low and he held his books close to him. Something about him was off, what did I do?

"You're seriously the best," Lake takes the cake from my hands and wipes his fake tears. I noticed his mom in the kitchen, cooking what I had assumed his birthday dinner.

"And you're 19" I grin, pushing him inside. He wanted to come home for his birthday, but insisted I was still included. Only two hours from campus, there was no way I was missing my best friends birthday. And I brought cake. I really am the best.

"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday." I put my stuff down by our shared desk and he giggles as he opens the closet.

"I already forgave you for ditching me."

"I was bleeding."

"As you should, you left my birthday early."he faces me with a navy blue sweater in hand. "And you're making it up to me by coming to a FP" he mumbles the end and tosses the shirt at me.

"I don't even remember what I did that was so bad,"

"You will, you dumb ass."

"Can't you just tell me?" I pout, grabbing his hand and pulling him to me. Pouting my lower lip and batting my eyes at him. He looks up at me his eyes glossing over, a bit of panic. "Lake?"

"What do you remember?" his eyes slowly drop to the floor and he takes a step back.

"Happy birthday, Lake." I smile at him, watching his eyes light up at the outdoor skating rink with LED lights.

The next thing I knew was that Lake was terrible at skating. He screams a lot too.

"I can't, I can't, I can't!" He pouts, grabbing onto my arm tightly as I skate us around. a few slips and screams later he's hugging the door to the exit and pleading we get off.

"But you used to always say you wanted to skate here!" I groan, holding back a laugh as he holds onto the door for his life.

"I do, I'm just scared okay?" He closes his eyes and two guys get on the ice, chuckling to themselves. "Great, now everyone thinks I'm a loser."

"Oh you're not a loser." I pry one of his hands off and frown at the red. "And I definitely should have brought gloves." I laugh awkwardly and take his hand in mine, helping get off the ice slowly. "We will find something better."

"No, no I'm sorry you must have planned this all out and I'm being a buzz kill."

"You can't buzz kill your own birthday." I smile down at him, holding his hand in my pocket to warm him up.

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