Teddy 1/2

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Eli always brought his teddy to school. Was he bullied for it? Of course he was, he's a senior. But his best-friend understood and has always had his back. Always will.                         

**Disclaimer, Yes he has a teddy, but that doesn't mean he is under age. The teddy is a place holder not to be seen as making Eli young. All sexual actions in this story take place when they are of age. Flashbacks are in italics and have no sexual actions. Thank you.**

Woo! Thanks to hazymes We got our story back from book 1. Send lots of love!


I don't understand the issue of bringing your teddy bear to school. Of course it was childish but it made me feel better. My brother has always told me that no matter what happens in life that you can't let the haters crush your spirit, for better words... my spirit. He knew I would be someone special someday and I would never let that go. No, it wasn't his idea to carry this teddy around with me everywhere, but to hell if I was going to let the last thing he owned, his favourite thing he owned, get thrown away with the rest of his stuff.                         

"E," Liam caught my attention. I'm sitting on the step outside of my house waiting for him. "Remember to keep him in your backpack okay?" He reaches a hand out to me and helps me up. I shove teddy into my bag and remember to leave a breathing hole where the zippers meet. I walk in line next to Liam as we do our usual routine to school.                         

"Hennos!" Ben yells while running up to us, Liam and Ben smack hands and pull eachother into a side hug. I watch as they pat each others backs and talk about football. I tend not to get into their conversations as I don't want to seem nosey. What I'm thinking about mainly is how odd guys hug. A pat on the back with an aggressive pull towards eachother. They might aswell be yelling 'no homo'.                         

Not that it matters.                         

During their conversation they started walking toward the school. Of course I followed. A glance back from Liam to be sure of it had me blushing every time. And yes they could have involved me in the situation and yes they could have ignored me less, but I'm glad they didn't. I don't really enjoy people. People other than Liam. I watch my feet as we walk. The silence all the way till we are settled into class. I quietly take notes and hear whispers of students thinking the teacher doesn't notice.                         

When school is over, I find myself waiting. It's what I'm good at. I wait outside and let the sun beam on my skin making me smile slightly. The warmth felt good.                          "Ready?" I hear Liam and open my eyes to see him leaning against the brick of the school beside me. His back pack on the ground. How long was he waiting for?                         

"Mhm" I mumble to him as we start our walk home. It doesn't take us long to get into our usual routine. I run off to the slide once we reach the park. We always come here after school to hang out and have a snack. I drop my bag and lay my back on the warm plastic.                          "Happy today I see" Liam laughs as he catches up to me.                         

"You know I love the sun."                         

"I wish it was like this every day." He climbs the steps to the slide and lets his feet hang down close to my head.                         

"Not every day can be perfect." I sit up and let myself hover over the edge of the bottom of the slide. I let my mind wander to that day. The perfect day I remember.                         

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