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My mouth hangs open and my eyes widen. We weave ourselves through the bar over to get a drink. This place was more crowded than I had hoped for. I guess many people turned the legal drinking age before their first day aswell. I find myself looking around while Leo orders our drinks.

"If it's too much let me know, okay?" He looks at me and bites his lip, handing me a drink in a small glass. It looked like Pepsi. We find our way to a booth and sit down.

"You two together?" I hear a deep voice that caught both our attention.

"No we're bestfriends!" Leo smiles that bright smile. The confidence in social situations coming in handy. I watch him as he interacts. "He's straight actually, just my emotional support friend." He turns to smirk at me and then back to the dude.

"Right, we'll can I borrow you with him giving you support a little further away?" He winks at Leo and I get a nervous look from my bestfriend.

"Can you give me a moment?"

"I'll get us some drinks." He nods walking away, my eyes never leaving Leo. Was he serious? Thinking he had a chance with my bestfriend, as if he would lay a finger on him. Besides, Leo got us drinks.

"I think I should." He catches me off guard and wraps his arms around me in a hug. "It will be good for me, to be around a guy and see how it feels to be, I dunno, romantic?" He cringes at himself and looks to me for guidance. "You, you won't leave will you? I'll be fast."

"Do what you have to do." I find myself saying, his eyes showing fear. "I'll be here for you, always." He nods in agreement, and I get off his lap, watching him walk over to the guy from earlier. They instantly smile and I regret it.

But this wasn't my choice, this was what he needed. And no matter how selfish I can be I will always put what he wants before myself. I mean what if this is a phase, what if he tries it and doesn't like it. Then what? Nothing, we're still bestfriends and back to where we were. Everything will stay perfect, forever.

If he did like it, if he ended up dating another guy I'd have to live with it. I may have not made my own lie, but I definitely went along with it. I'd loose all of his trust if he knew I was gay.

I drank my own, along with his he had left behind. Fuck boy over there bought him a new one anyway. They had been talking for what seemed like an hour.

"Ax!" I hear distant shouting and he rushes over to me. "There is an after party at his, we're invited!" He smiles brightly at me, butterflies rising in my stomach.

"Leo!" I match his enthusiasm, mockingly. "We have class tomorrow." I glare, a little bored of sitting and watching other people have fun.

"Ax," his voice goes softer and he puts a hand on either side of the seat behind me. "Please? I promise it won't be for too long, and I'll owe you. Anything you want, anything! We can even cuddle and watch Halloween movies. I know you love that." his big wide grin close to mine, or the warm minty breath, whatever it was had me under a spell. I nodded slowly, wanting to do anything to see him happy. "Sick!" He rushes back over to the guy and before I know it were in a small apartment.

His roommate and I are giving eachother the side eye, awkwardly trying to stare at the tv. There was approximately 7 people here pretending to have a full blown party. Leo stands awkwardly against the wall and the guy, who's name is Nate by the way, were chit chatting it up. He looked bored, and would glance over at me every so often. This was the most lame after party I've ever been to.

Hands were moving up his side and I grit my teeth. Let it happen, this is your own fault. I close my eyes, feeling them get heavy. Half an hour goes by until Leo sits next to me, squished in the small space between me and the side of the couch.

"Are you okay? I thought there would be girls here, I, I'm sorry." He pouts and lays his head on my shoulder. "All he wants to do is drink and touch me, any time I get to know him he brings up something sexual. Like, what's your favourite pie? I mean yours is key lime, but I don't know his, he ignored the question and said whatever I taste like but In pie form. What even is that?" He sniffs and hides his face in my shirt. I knew exactly what that pie would taste like. It would be..

"Warm, sweet but also salty. A hint of cinnamon but also the comfort of a roasted almond." I wanted that pie aswell. I wanted to taste him but without the creepy random guy being in our way. I wanted it all. "Maybe strangers aren't the best way to experiment." I whisper, smiling down at him when he leans his head back.

"I wanna go home." His eyes plead, making me come up with a bull shit excuse to get us the hell out of there.

A Halloween movie plays quietly, the one candle we had was lit and the LED lights were set to a deep orange. I lay infront of Leo as he hugs me tight to his body. These exact moments are what made me realize I was telling a lie back in tenth grade.

"You're right." I mumble into his chest as he holds me tightly. We watched a scary movie for our sleepover. He said it might help if I felt protected so I moved myself closer to him without warning. It took him a moment before wrapping his arms around me in the blankets. He smelled like a bake shop, a cozy and warm cinnamon roll.

"I'm always right, you doof." He chuckles and rubs my back slowly. "Are you still scared?" He kisses the top of my head and I groan. Of course I was scared, I wanted to be a man already and say I'm fine but I knew I could tell him everything.

"A little," I sniff, his hands push me back just enough that I can see his face. He rests his forehead on mine and grins. I felt my heart pick up and my eyes drift down to his lips. I wondered if kissing him felt just as nice as it did when he held me.

What? I jump back a little startled at my own thoughts.

"Hey, it's okay, I've got you!" He gushes, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. "I've always got you, no matter what, just like I know you've got me."

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