Closet doors 3

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I thought everything was going well here, that maybe if I worked hard enough I'd be let go and get back to my own life. But the more I was around the guys I wish this was my life instead. I'm sick of making deals for dad, arranging things for Kev and all when neither of them are even home. Neither of them care what happens to me. Did Kev even tell dad or is he just assuming they took me as payment? At this point I wouldn't put it past him to sell me if that's what he thought this was. I was useless to him, really.

"You've been doing really good, we're going to change your position for a little bit." Colby stands at the door of the room I had been staying in for two weeks. Two weeks of cleaning and making dinners. We went out twice to eat and they actually let me get something. I felt bad not having money of my own, but to be fair this is sort of my job now.


"Don't get too excited, it's weird. Why are you so happy to be doing this for us?" He chuckles and I follow him to another room. "I asked if we could switch your room too. This one has a door to the bathroom." He looks down as he smiles and I walk in, eyes wide. The room itself was the size of my livingroom at home. The bed looked like a Queen and had a nice white puffy comforter. There was a little tv on the wall with a couch facing it and large windows letting the summer air in.


"You like it?" Colby smiles at me and I jump, wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me to hug me back. His head falls into my neck as he squeezes gently. I felt safe, for the first time since mom died years ago. My hug softens but I hurry my head into his neck aswell. I never wanted him to let go. "Everything okay, Blake?" He whispers softly and I lean back, letting my hands run down his chest. He was still holding me so I rest my head on his torso and close my eyes.

"Yeah," I finally breathe out, his hands move from around me to my hips and he slowly turns me around. My back against him I look around and smile, finally walking around my new room.

"I don't deserve this."

"You've worked so hard, you really do." He crosses his arms at the entrance to my room and I blush's he was so handsome, and something about him blocking the entrance made me even more safe. I lay down on my new bed and smile.

"Get the fuck up you useless piece of shit." Dads voice yells in my head and I sit up instantly. Looking around the room. Colby was gone and the room was empty. A pile of clothes lay next to me and I get the hint, showering in the new bathroom and changing into them.

"Here we comes." I hear Colby's voice as I was down the stairs. He stares at me and I blush, noticing them all in a suit along with me now.

"So you're the new intern." A tall man shakes my hand firmly enough that my body moves along with it. He had a scar on his neck and he leaned over the counter as he typed on his phone, occasionally looking at Hault and saying words in a weird language. I could tell this was serious and tried my best to keep calm. "Your name." The scary man demands as he looks at me. I'm in shock at the change in his demeanour. He seemed hard now, eyes dead and an annoyed expression.

"Uh, Sir, uh"

"Uh, uh, that is your name, you idiot? Spit it out." He stands up fully and I look up at him from my side of the table. My fingers start shaking and I feel Colby grab my hand from under the table. He intertwines our fingers and holds my hand firmly.

"Blake, Sir." I squeeze Colby's hand back tightly and try to stop shaking.

"And you want this guy to be the one to do that?" He scoffs and speaks in the other language again. I take the second to look at Colby. He doesn't look back, but I feel his thumb move to mine and he slowly caresses it, calming me down as he stares at the papers infront of him.

"He's been doing well, getting everything done when we ask." Hault huffs and it's the first time I think I hear something sort of a complement from him.

"Fucking" he starts off by pointing at me and speaks other language with a bit of English "son," he grumbles "fucking enemy you idiot." He slams a fist on the counter and rubs his face.

"Dad I trust him." Hault pushes a paper toward the man and they stare eachother down. "It's better he's with us anyway, gives them a bit to think about."

"I don't want any criminal charges." The scary guy is softer now as he looks at everyone. His eyes land on Colby and I feel his hand rip away from me quickly. He couldn't tell he was holding my hand right? It was under the table. "Any what so ever."

"Dad it's not like that." Colby puts both his hands on the table and so watch them have a stare down.

"Question your sexuality somewhere else kid, I'm not dealing with this shit and I'm not bailing you out of jail." He signs a paper that was infront of him and walks over to me. Colby's face was a little red and I frowned a bit. He seemed off now. What was his dad talking about?

"Dad," Carter groans and Colby stays quiet. 'Sad' takes my hand and pushes me against the wall. I whine at the sudden hit but then my arms are above my head. His hands run down my body through my pockets and all over.

"Screw us over and I'll have you dead." He gives me a slight shove before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

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