Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .4

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I didn't expect it to go this far, to be sat at the Café together. All four of us enjoying ourselves with milkshakes. But that was what the problem was, enjoying ourselves. Rather, that's what it looked like. I hated every second of Malcolm becoming part of our friend group. I hated seeing Loké smile at his jokes, Seb choking on his Milkshake when a joke was told. They both enjoyed his company and I had to pretend I did too.

"You know you're so much quieter than you were at the club." He whispers to me as we walk home. Loké and Seb a little farther ahead holding hands. They never did that when it was just us three walking, I assume because I'd feel like a third wheel.

"You're more evil than when I first met you."

"Look at that, atleast you're not stupid." He ruffles my hair and I push him away. He tried to be so powerful, yet he had the same build as me and I could probably take him.

"You're an asshole,"

"So are you. You know I had to tell my brother what happened the morning after? Our friends saw and thought he was gay or something." He scoffs, "dude was traumatized."

"He was at a gay bar."

"That's not an excuse, he was literally there with me and our friends, oh and his girlfriend who had to work couldn't come." He looks over at me. "You really fucked up." He starts walking a little faster and catches up to Seb. His arm goes around his shoulder and Loké leans back to glare at him. Seb excuses it and Loké grabs my arm to make me join them.

"What's wrong bub?" I find myself alone with Loké as he leans against my doorway, arms crossed. I was staring into the mirror in my bedroom, shirtless and holding up two different styles.

"I don't know what one to wear."

"It's the beach, you won't have it on long anyway." He smiles warmly and walks in, standing behind me. I adored how we looked together in the mirror. His arms wrap around my waist and he hugs me gently. His chin on my shoulder. "I mean what's wrong, with you? You've been smiling a lot less latley." Our eyes connect and I from the shirts, eyes tearing up. I couldn't help myself. "Jake." He whines and turns me around, I wrap my arms around his neck tightly in a hug and let out soft cries.

I didn't know what to do about the situation I was in. Malcolm proved to be more evil than I thought. He had become close friends with both Loké and Seb. It's been a month since we all met and he has been in our life quite often. If I said anything bad why would they believe me?

"Talk to me," he sits on the bed and wraps my arms around his waist. I missed him, I missed Seb too. I missed everything we had before they were officially dating. The inclusion, the love, the kisses.

"I feel lonley." I mumble, he rubs my back gently. "I know I have you guys around but it's not the same. Why can't we kiss anymore? You and me, we kissed once and it was take away. Me and Seb used to kiss all the time and we weren't in a relationship. All of a sudden it stops, all of it." I lean back and wipe my tears. "I want kisses again. I want the feeling back."

"Jake," he sighs, my hopes being flushed down the toilet. "Seb and I, we're moving forward." He whispers and my lip quivers. "We can't all expect to just kiss anyone whenever anymore."

"Not anyone, just me." I pout, leaning in and gently kissing his neck. His warm, soft skin. "Just us three, that's all we need." I whisper, his hands grab my sides and squeeze as he controls himself. I move myself forward on his waist, feeling him hard under me.

"You know, I used to think about us three." He chuckles at his own sentence. "Like, like a threesome." He moans as I suck on his neck. "But Jake," he gently pulls me away and groans. "As much as I'd love to, I mean, I'd really, really love to." His eyes wonder my body. "You're so sweet, sexy, soft, and definitely hard to resist. But I," he pauses to think over his words as he stares at my lips. "I'm in love with Sebastian." He looks up at me and I freeze. What? "I see a future with him, and I want that future. You're still in it you know, maybe even being called unkle Jake." He blushes and my mouth drops at the only vulnerability I've seen in this man. And it was for Seb. I was destined to be single forever.

"You guys ready?" Seb walks in now and smirks at me.

"Have you ever thought of a threesome?" I blurt out the words and Sebs face goes pink. He looks at Loké and back at me. They definitely have talked about it. They talk about everything. "What the hell, why wasn't this brought up to me? I would have been part of the yes vote." I cross my arms and Loké chuckles, kissing my cheek.

"Let's go, Jake." Seb giggles and we all head out after I put on a quick white shirt to cover up my body.

The sun is shining, my tan beginning to form and silence filling the air while I read away the day at the beach. Loké and Seb went into the water and I flip over to my front, looking down at the pages.

"What are you reading?" A shadow hides the light on my pages and I groan, looking up.

"Of course you're here." I roll my eyes. "Move, you're blocking the sun. I look back at my book when he sits on the chair beside me.

"You know, you really don't have a reason to hate me. I haven't even done anything bad to you." He talks, pissing me off. "I actually enjoy being your friend. Why can't you get over that night." And there it was, the pure asshole words leaving his mouth. The dumb bitc- "I mean even that night I didn't do anything wrong. I was making friends."

"Shut up would you?" I slam my book closed.

"You should have saved your page number first-"

"Another reason I hate you."

"You don't hate me, you're jealous of me." He glares now, the nice act going away. Jealous? Me? More like annoyed and angry he made my friends further away from me than they were already.

"No, I definitely hate you."

"Well I don't hate you, and you really fucked up my brother. It's called moving on. We're all friends here." He picks up a bottle of sun screen and smiles, putting some in his hands. "Here, you're burning." He puts a little on my back and I wanted to yell, but instead I close my eyes at the cool feeling. It felt nice, maybe I was burning. But this didn't mean I forgave him.

"Whatever." I close my eyes and allow him to apply the sunscreen. My eyes open who knows how long later when I hear giggling.

"I know, he's adorable." Loké chuckles aswell and I sit up, seeing them all smiling at me. "Goodmorning bub,"


"We're gonna head home for a movie night." He smiles wider as Seb and Malcolm walk away with all our stuff. I rub my eyes and get up, frowning at Loké. All of us?

"Ok," I pout and he takes my chair for me, walking to the car. After we all showered off the sand I found myself forcefully staring at the tv. Malcolm on the opposite side of the couch, Seb and Loké on the couch across from us as usual.

But I wasn't going to stand for it, not this time.

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