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The hot tub was everything we imagined. In fact, it made me question if I would be able to tolerate Kilo just to use the hot tub here and there. The jets hit just the right spot, making me sink farther down into the tub.

"Anytime, seriously." Orchid chuckles lightly and I hear a few splashes. I chose to ignore the light flirting they had been doing the whole night. I knew Orchid and I were tight, one night with a girl wouldn't change that. "you have to see it, Kourt it's literally our favourite!" Orchid makes eye contact with me and I shrug. "Stranger things, best show." He looks back to Kourt and she's playing with a strand of her hair.

"You like Stranger Things too? It's my favourite!" This annoying bug buzzes in my ear, sounding like a boy I had just met and don't like.

"Mhm," I close my eyes and feel him inch closer; I grit my teeth. "The show, not you." I grumble and open my eyes to see his reaction. He's grinning, actually grinning.

"If I were a Demogorgon I'd come after you first." He smirks and splashes a bit of water at my face. I sit up, giving him the dirtiest look I could muster and get out of the hot tub.

"Can we leave now?" I angrily spit out, realizing I was also a little loud. Orchid looks up at me as I stand over them dripping wet. I cross my arms and it makes a squishy sound.

"Can I meet up with you in a few?" He motions toward Kourt and it makes me grit my teeth together for the second time tonight. I turn on my heals and grab my clothes, holding them in my hands so they don't get wet from my drenched body. The night was anything but young, the street lights were off and the air had a sort of scary gloom to it.

"Hey!" I hear a shout, glancing behind me. What a surprise, just who I wanted to see. "You can borrow a towel," Kelo stops beside me and smiles, stretching his arms out to give me the thing.

"I don't want it."

"But it's cold, c'mon you're shaking." He frowns and opens it before my eyes, draping the towel around my body. I decide to ignore him, knowing picking a fight will just get him to talk more. "You're sorta funny, you know?"

"Sure," I walk a little faster, getting to the house and opening the door. Looking behind me he stands just outside of the door way. His eyes looked a little bigger and he scratched his left arm slowly.

"I'm sorry if you don't enjoy me that much, but your friend and my sister kind of made plans to hang out more. So, well, you see,"

"Spit it out."

"Her and I we only really hangout with eachother and if she's busy most the time I thought you and I could hang out so we're not lonley." He offers a smile, his hands go behind his back as he chews the side of his cheek. "I'll try and be less annoying." He says quietly and looks down at his shoes.

This guy, let me tell you. His stupid pout with his large puppy eyes. His annoying little story about being lonley and the punch to the chest when he mentioned Orchid and Kourt hanging out more. I didn't want to let him in, I really didn't.

"I'll buy us pizza?" His eyes blink heavily a few times and I move to the side. If I were to have no choice but let Orchid flirt with a stupid girl even tho he's meant to be with me, I might aswell get free pizza out of it.

He lets me choose the toppings and we decide to put Stranger Things on while we wait. The kid didn't lie, he was a little less annoying since I let him in. He kept to himself and didn't talk too much. I catch myself staring, his nose pointed up just a little and his mouth agape as he lays attention.

"I'm sorry what I said earlier," he looks over and I tear my eyes away to pretend to focus on the show. "I'm not so excited to share Kourt either. Letting friends grow up is hard."

"She's your sister."

"And my bestfriend." He crosses his arms slowly and I roll my eyes. Here comes that annoying attitude he has. "You could be a little nicer."

"You could be a little quieter."

"Is that what you want? You want me to just shut up and never speak my mind ever again? I'll go mute, I'll never say a single word and you know what you will regret it." He adds a little 'hmp' sound and looks back at the tv.

"Be my guest." I rest my head on my hand, watching the show in silence. I thought for sure after a minute or two he would have to blurt something out, anything. 

The door bell rings and I look over at him. He doesn't move so I get up to retrieve the pizza.

"Hello, that's $22.30" the man holds a machine for me to pay. I turn, looking at the stubborn white male.

"Aren't you going to pay?" I blink at him and he reaches his hand out. For a moment I thought he would hand me a card, but he looks at his nails for a moment and grabs the tv remote, turning up the volume. I look back at the Pizza guy, who is staring at me. "One moment." I blush, embarrassed and close the door. "Dude what the fuck, you're making me look like an idiot." I stand infront of him and he looks through me. "Geez, fine, I regret it just fucking pay the man!" I glare and poke his shoulder, nothing. "Kilo!" I scream.

"Wow, if you're going to scream my name atleast let me give you a reason why." He starts laughing, clutching his stomach. I didn't find it funny, in fact I'm still embarrassed and don't exactly want to show my face at the door again. "Calm down, you're going to give yourself a headache." He smiles and gets up, going to the door.

As he pays for the pizza, I hide my face in a pillow on the couch. My eyes peak up just enough to see him set it down and give me another annoying, sickening grin.

Short, Gay, Stories 2.0حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن