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"You smell good." He mumbles before I plop him onto his bed.

"What, like whiskey?" I laugh, admiring his well thought out outfit and abs peaking through his half buttoned up shirt.

"Like a Disney prince, you know?" He giggles at himself and opens one eye at me. "Maybe a Flynn Rider. A really sexy Flynn Rider." He sits up on his elbows and his shirt slides down, showing off more skin. He had a cross chain on, the one his god parents gave to him when he was little.

"Please, if anything that's you." I laugh, sitting next to him on the bed. "A very drunk, Flynn Rider."

"Ax," he goes quiet and allows himself to fall flat on the bed. I follow, laying next to him and we face eachother. "Think we will be this close forever?" He smiles but I see a tear forming in his eyes.

I couldn't picture a life without him.

"You're going to meet a girl, fall in love and have babies. Then you won't ever have time for me anymore." Im going to what? I want to laugh, but he seemed very concerned.

"Never. You're always going to be the main person in my life L." We both just stare at eachother while I wait for him to say something back. His eyes begin to flutter and I accept that he's about to fall asleep.

"Its always moments like this." he pauses, half asleep. "That I wish I could just makeout with you." He laughs to himself and fully closes his eyes. He was long gone, but what he said was going to be stuck in my head for a long time.


"I'm glad we get to spend time together, these summers have always been my favourite." We lay next to eachother on the last night at camp. Fireworks were exploding in the night sky and the gas was slightly damp.

"Me too L," I feel his fingers graze mine, so I grabbed his hand and looked over at him. His eyes wide as he stared up. I didn't care at this moment, I just wanted to be closer to him.

"It's so fucked up, tho. I mean we're going to grow up, have families and hardly ever see eachother anymore right?" He looks over at me and I could see him tearing up.

"That's not true." I could physically hear my heart drop. Is that what he wanted? "Maybe it is, but I know we will make time for eachother. You would still make time for me right?" I sat up, being extra serious now.

"I'd do anything, Buns, to have you forever." He looks straight ahead, breaking our eye contact. "But I'm not going to stop you from what is meant to happen. If we grow apart I just want you happy."

I look ahead, following his gaze to a girl. Her name is Caroline, she's more my friend than his but I could tell right then and there, that my life was going to be super complicated. Because I was jealous, of her.

I wakeup in the morning to Moxi cleaning up the whole living room herself. Brett is passed out on the couch and Leo is showering.

"Oh hey!" She puts the trash can down when she sees me and rushes into the kitchen, coming back out with a glass of orange juice and hands it to me with a pill.

"Thanks." I groan and take it, hoping it stops my headache.

"You guys kind of sleep really close together." Moxi laughs, her voice a little off while she washes her hands and takes out some pans. "Eggs or pancakes for your morning mental breakdown?" She pauses at the fridge.

"My what?" I push my hair back, jumping a little when she groans, loudly.

"You two were bear hugging in the middle of the night, dude. Brett has slept with many guys before and they don't bear hug." She nods toward the fridge after opening it.

"It's true!" I hear Brett in the other room.

"Uh, right, pancakes?" My voice cracks as I sit down on the stool. "Wait you don't have to like cook or anything."

"I'm hungry, Axe, we're having breakfast."

"It's true, who doesn't have snacks out at a party? We didn't eat all night." Brett yells from the livingroom.

"I thought people would help themselves, we had snacks." I look over at the single box of Corn Pops, two bananas and a loaf of bread. If people were hungry they would eat, you would think.

"Whatever," Moxi looks past me in surprise and her aggression turns into a smug smile. I follow her gaze to Leo walking into the livingroom, he had sweats on and damp hair. His toned body naturally glowed while he lazily smacks his phone into the counter and leans over it next to me.

"Why does alcohol hate me?"

"Technically it hates everyone." Brett sits up, looking over from the couch.

"How are you feeling?" I mumble to him, his wet hair hanging down covering part of his face.


"Here hun," moxi places my plate of pancakes on the counter and pushes it toward him.

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