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Chapter 67

The construction of the five-generation theme city can be described as in full swing, and it is also boiling in the interstellar hype. and folk tales, various myths and legends, rumors about the land of Huaxia Shenzhou gradually changed. Not only has the number of tourists increased, but even property pre-purchases have become in short supply.

Qi Jie and Yu Fei struck while the iron was hot and published a picture book of Shenzhou folk stories, both electronic and physical. As a result, the sales turned out to be very good, not only adults like it, but also children flock to it. So accidentally, these folk tales were written into periodicals, and people lined up to buy them every month. Accompanied by propaganda posters, a variety of antique and mythical promotional color pages. Shenzhou folk stories have become the first popular magazine in the interstellar.

Then Qi Jie restored the scenes of the myths and legends of that year based on these folk stories. As a result, various theme parks have emerged, and even extended Western mythology, such as the lost Atlantis, the fall of Mayan towns. Loulan Ancient Kingdom, Golden Face Dynasty, etc., with heavy classical music, coupled with various adventure games. Jungle speeders, Ferris wheels, dinosaur islands, etc., for a while the global village was full of tourists, and the wealth was rolling in.

Fei Ang looked at Qi Jie smiling at the financial statements every day and was also happy, as the saying goes, full of warmth and desire, so Feon's benefits in recent nights are always very sufficient. But a few joys and a few sorrows! Feang and Qi Jie covered the bed with wind and snow, and the bed was covered with mandarin duck tents. Yu Fei's door court snubbed the horses, and the eldest brother threw him ruthlessly.

I don't know what medicine the adult will take wrong, so I hurriedly packed up my bags and loaded it back to the headquarters of the Star Alliance in the middle of the night. Recently, the Star Federation has introduced many new policies, all of which are about people's livelihood and the development of naked stars. The implementation is very good, and the livelihood of Star Slave is gradually on track. The Global Village demonstration site was very successful, and he planned to assign a large number of star slaves to the Global Village. Give them the identity of global villagers, although the identity of global villagers is somewhat different from that of interstellar citizens, they are also independent individuals and no longer live as slaves. And recently, there has been another interesting phenomenon, it is difficult to find a household registration for villagers in global villages. Because of those myths and legends, many interstellar citizens want to settle in the global village. It's really hype that kills people, and the ignorant masses say they are very innocent.

However, Interstellar seems to have given the global village a hard and fast rule, except for star slaves and those who buy real estate in the global village, no one else is allowed to have a global village household registration. Qi Jie is very happy to see it, the rarer something is, the more precious it is. Later, Qi Jie learned that the real profiteer was not himself, nor Yu Fei, nor the imperial businessman of the Yu family, but his future father-in-law. As long as you want to obtain the hukou of a global villager, you must buy a house in the global village. On the one hand, this relieves the pressure of the main star residence, and on the other hand, it directly drives the rapid development of the real estate industry in the global village. Since then, Qi Jie's worship of his father-in-law has continued like the Taotao River.

After making money, the development of the global village is also stable, and the prototype of the five-generation theme city is about to be completed. Feang and Zijie have a strong star and moon all day, occasionally romantic in the wild, and happy in their small days. In addition to being occasionally harassed by Yu Fei, it is also quiet and happy. It's just that recently I feel that Yu Fei doesn't seem to be quite right, before seeing the money-making plan is like fighting chicken blood, and now seeing the money-making plan taken out by Qi Jie is also very exciting, it seems to be missing something.

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