Chapter 34 An Undisputed Clash begins

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August 28, 2019
Full Sail University

Winter Park, Florida

NXT begins with the Undisputed Era already in the ring, wearing smug looks on their faces. They beamed of pride and arrogance despite the failed assault by their group to Kassius Ohno and P.A.3.K. after the latter two's rubber match. 

Adam Cole then began to speak with microphone in hand as the crowd booed and chanted, "why" in chorus.

Adam: Yeah, chant more and the more we won't say why we did what we did. In fact, it won't matter because you won't be able to do a damn thing as we are the most indomitable force NXT has ever seen! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not feeling anymore threatened with either Kassius Ohno or that greenhorn who just walked into a place he knows no clue of how to survive. We, the Undisputed Era, just felt it right to send a message to Ohno that guys like him are from a bygone era. A relic of the past, while we are the now and should be the now that eyes should be looking at and not pine for the old. Kassius should know that he is on the wrong end of the business and just mind his own...

Kassius: Wow, just wow Adam. Did you have to go there?

Adam: Yeah, we did! You're part of a lumbering old era that has no room for guys like you and should be riding the sunset. While guys like me and the Undisputed Era here, we are a force to be reckoned with!

Kassius: Come on Adam. You should get off the bad stuff before you'll be hauled off your ass for a good few months or have to beg elsewhere to be taken seriously. Funny you say I'm part of a bygone era when in fact, you and I are a lot alike. Not just you and I, but the rest of your running buddies by your side. We all had to scratch, grind, claw at any and every opportunity we can get before we can claim to be great. It just so happened, I got here earlier while you and your buddies only came in just now and begin to pile on, trash talk, beat down and hound on any and everyone so you can harp on and on about your perceived greatness.

Adam: Perceived? Hey, do remember who has all the gold at the moment? 

As if on cue, the Undisputed Era all raised their title belts to prove their point.

Adam: I don't see gold on you. In fact, have you ever won yours since you got here on your first tour of duty? 

Kyle O' Reilly: I don't think so.

Adam: Or on your second tour of duty?

Bobby Fish: Nah, don't see that

Adam: Longevity is not equivalent to greatness. And you getting your ass beat by a greenhorn who is trying to be relevant like you, you should be packing your bags or planning your retirement as far as we're concerned.

Kassius: You see, that's where you're wrong. I was the one in the wrong for underestimating P.A.3.K. In time, while you are all reveling in your so-called dominance, there comes a time when even the mighty fall. It all begins when you look down on your opposition. And right now, the same could be said of what you're doing now. In fact, I'm glad you're all out here because it's time you are all put in your place.

The Undisputed Era laugh as they are aware of the numbers advantage at present.

Adam: Kassius, I think you're still lacking air after getting your ass choked out last week. You won't be able to knock us all out on your own.

Kassius: Who says I'm doing that on my own?

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