Chapter 32 Deciding Battle

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August 21, 2019
Full Sail University

Winter Park, Florida
2 hours before broadcast

P.A.3.K. was preparing himself for tonight's edition of NXT back at Full Sail. Tonight will be the deciding match between his on-screen for weeks, Kassius Ohno and himself to settle the score.

After finishing his shadowboxing and in gear, P.A.3.K. was tapped on the shoulder by Johnny Gargano. 

Johnny: Phone call Mr. P.A.3.K.?

P.A.3.K.: What are you talking about Johnny...oh shoot!

P.A.3.K. sees his phone screen with a notification that Tegan has been calling him for a video chat. P.A.3.K. answers to a pouty Tegan

Tegan: Does it take you long to answer?!?!

P.A.3.K.: Hey, I'm sorry luv. My phone was away from me as I am already in gear.

Tegan: *giggles* Such a plonker you are! Loosen up will ya!

P.A.3.K.: Okay Steff.

Tegan: You mean, okay luv? *smirks*

P.A.3.K.: Okay luv.

Tegan: Good luck because any shot to your head will worry little old me *pouting and being adorable*

P.A.3.K.: We won't go all out crazy like the last few times. Don't you worry.

Tegan: Okay now go play nice *giggles* Love ya! 

P.A.3.K.: I love you too. 

The video chat ended as Johnny looked at P.A.3.K. with a smirk.

Johnny: Didn't you kiss her good night or something man? She's your lady after all!

P.A.3.K.: She may call up later

Johnny: Well what if she falls asleep.... oww!

Johnny flinched because behind him was his wife, Candice LeRae, who slapped his back. 

Candice: Be nice Johnny! *to P.A.3.K.* Don't listen to my goof ball of a husband. 

Johnny: Hey if it weren't for me, Tegan will be all worried again!

P.A.3.K.: Despite it all, he has a point

Johnny smirks but Candice slaps Johnny on the back.

Candice: But it doesn't give him a license to rush you two. Just be natural with each other *giggles*

Johnny: Uhhh what she said!

P.A.3.K.: Thanks..both of you *chuckles*

The Garganos left P.A.3.K. on his own so he can prepare for his match tonight.

Main Event

Alicia Taylor: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...

Crowd: ONE FALL!

Alicia Taylor: First, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing in at 270 pounds, Kassius Ohno!

Kassius makes his way to the ring but this time focused. Neither he nor P.A.3.K. hold any title belts but this match is almost as big as a title match. 

Wade: The Knock Out Artist was cheated in Takeover but this time he gets a fair chance...

Vic: What do you mean cheated? Don't make excuses for him Wade!

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