Chapter 5: Onward!

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May 15, 2019

Full Sail University, Backstage, 2 hours before NXT

P.A.3.K. was already out by the crates stretching and shadow boxing, preparing for whoever will be his opposition  tonight. He then sees Tegan, still using crutches but now with the knee brace.

Tegan: Oh, careful with the strikes Pat - smiles -

P.A.3.K.: Hey Tegan! - sees her alone - just you?

Tegan: Oh, you were expecting someone else with me? - confused -

P.A.3.K.: Oh no! I mean usually you'd be teased a lot but at least now you're here on your own.

Tegan: - giggles - Actually Dakota brought me along but she had to meet with the B.R.E. for some reason.

P.A.3.K.: Oh, I see. But anyway, the PS4 is doing great. Just that I have yet to clock in hours as much.

Tegan: Have you set up your PSN account?

P.A.3.K.: Actually, have yet to proceed with that. I only play the games and so far, NBA 2k18 has been a fun game.

Tegan: oh, so you have yet to touch the multiplayer classics we bought?

P.A.3.K. That requires the network account so I put it off ...until you can help me at least.

Tegan: Oh tosh! You should have called me - giggles -

P.A.3.K.: Yeah, I know. But I noticed, you keep saying B.R.E. I always wondered what that was?

Tegan: Oh...they're ...

Dakota: - jumps in - That's our group. The B.R.E.. The Best Roommates Ever! - smiles -

Dakota arrives along with Jessamyn, Shayna and Mia.

Mia: Well, now you know, home boy!

Jessamyn: And rumor has it...that you got a console of your own?

P.A.3.K.: Yes Jess. I got a PS4 last week.

Shayna: And a little Charlie bird here told us who bought it with you. - chuckles -

Tegan at this point was blushing like mad and was hiding her face from P.A.3.k. 

Dakota: Guilty ya ninny? - giggles -

Tegan: - blushing as red as a tomato - Kick Rocks! - pouts -

P.A.3.K.: Hey, let's lay off shall we? - chuckles -

Shayna: Seriously, congrats man. You got yourself a good piece of gaming tech and for once, you're spending on yourself more!

Jessamyn: Yeah Pat. You are starting to scrimp less! 

P.A.3.K.: Well...yes.. - blushes - oh geez!

Tegan giggled now as P.A.3.K. was the one blushing like mad. Dakota did not let this get unnoticed.

Dakota: Alright ya pair of bumbling blushing dummies. For sure Pat has a match tonight and needs to be prepared. 

P.A.3.K.: Yeah, she's right. I have to go to Regal's office for something urgent. See you everyone!

Tegan: - waves and blushes - bye bye!

As P.A.3.K. left, Tegan was now with the B.R.E. as Dakota smirking is already the sign that Tegan does not want to see.

Dakota: Again no kiss? Come on ya dummy! He already went with you to the mall.

Tegan: Really Kota? 

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