Chapter 19 Alliance Over?

152 7 29

June 17, 2019
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

Tonight will be a different night as P.A.3.K. will not be competing but be at the sidelines. It will be his test to see if he has what it takes on the mic. 

He had no need to shadowbox as he wasn't competing but he still did anyway as his ritual. This caught the eye of Kassius, who tapped his hand gently on P.A.3.K.

Ohno: Hey, no need for that

P.A.3.K. was taken by surprise and cooled down.

P.A.3.K.: Well, force of habit

Ohno: *chuckles* well sure but again, no need for that. 

Grimes: Well, the kid has a habit. Who are we to stop it? *chuckles, then to P.A.3.K.* Now I know you have yet to have a moment speaking but go nuts on us.

Ohno: Don't baby him man! *to P.A.3.K.* But I know you got it in you. Just watch us kick ass and go wild at the sidelines. *to Cameron* we gotta go to Regal's office.

Cameron and Kassius left as P.A.3.K. was about to walk for a bit until his phone rang and saw the notification

Steff (tegannoxwwe_) wants to Videochat

P.A.3.K. without hesitation answered the video chat and saw Tegan on her bed, sitting up with her NXT Shirt on but with the lights on.

P.A.3.K.: Hey there!

Tegan: Hey Pat! So, what's the plan tonight?

P.A.3.K.: I'm not competing but just wait and see tonight

Tegan: *pouts* boo! Come on now. Don't be a plonker!

P.A.3.K.: I'm not, but if I ruin the surprise, you won't have a reason to see me on TV.

Tegan: *nods in agreement* you are right. But good luck anyway. I will call after NXT is done.

P.A.3.K.: Don't stay up too late Pouty Wizard

Tegan: *sarcastically laughs* very don't get hit too hard!

Timeskip to NXT
Alicia: The following contest is scheduled for one-fall....

P.A.3.K. shows up wearing jogging pants and a We Are NXT Shirt as he walked down casually to the announcer's area by the side.

Wade: What on earth is P.A.3.K. doing here? 

Mauro: Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

Beth: Maybe he's here to add to the match we will have

Vic: Yeah, a match between 2 people he faced last week

PA.3.K. made way and the commentators gave way to give space to P.A.3.K.

Mauro: Thank you for joining us here P.A.3.K. The Titan of Tondo!

P.A.3.K.: Well it's great and an honor to join you here by the sidelines. You all add to the matches while we go and bust our butts.

Vic: It is quite an honor that we see your take between Kassius Ohno and Cameron Grimes going head to head here in just a moment.

P.A.3.K.: Well Vic, trust me it won't be pretty at any point of the match.

Wade: Oh shut up with your humility act. You are not great and never will be!

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