Chapter 3: Enter P.A.3.K.

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(A/N: I know I started dating the chapters but I have explained that the timeline here will be quite unique with SOME events happening the same way or with some variation. In this case, commentary will be Mauro Ranallo, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph and Beth Phoenix. 4 person commentary I know but yeah, I will try to make it work. 

Carry on.)

May 8, 2019

Full Sail University, Orlando Florida

NXT Tapings, 1 hour 30 minutes before start

P.A.3.K. arrived at Full Sail with some butterflies in his stomach. Finally, his chance to shine, the moment to start proving himself to the top brass that he is not one to look past.

While in the backstage area, P.A.3.K. bumped into the B.R.E. and Tegan.

Jessamyn: Oh, will you look at that? Mr. Resilience has finally arrived! Congrats bro, but I already knew that - chuckles -

Dakota: Yeah dude, Tegan broke the news that her boyfriend has signed into NXT.

Tegan: Kick Rocks, Kota! - pouts - 

P.A.3.K.: Hey now, -puts his hands up - first of all, thank you. Second, let's not tease Tegan now. 

Tegan blushed a bit after P.A.3.K. chose to side with her. 

Mia: Yeah, let's not cramp on Tegan, ladies...and Pat. Oh right, congrats!

P.A.3.K.: But thanks for the momentary distraction, a bit nervous as to my debut match now. 

Mia: I see. But do you happen to know who your debut opponent will be?

As she asks this, a producer was able to find P.A.3.K.

Producer: P.A.3.K., Mr. Regal wishes to see you in his office. Now.

P.A.3.K.: Oh, well the name hasn't sunk in yet, but in time it will. Later ladies!

Tegan: - taps his shoulder while on crutches - Hey, thanks... and good luck out there.

P.A.3.K.: Thanks Tegan. - walks away -

Tegan was smiling as soon as P.A.3.K. had left them. This led to Dakota  to smirk and initiate the tease barrage

Dakota: You didn't kiss your man goodbye, Tegan? What a shame! 

Jessamyn: Yeah Tegan, come on! Surely he feels for you.

Mia: Girl, can't you tell his feelings? 

Suddenly, Candice LeRae shows up and sees the teasing going on.

Candice: Now hey, what's going on?

Dakota: Oh, hey Candice, Tegan's got a crush ~

Tegan: Kota! Come on....

Candice: Oh my, Tegan! Come on now, but wait, who is the lucky guy who our Shiniest Wizard has cast a spell upon?

Jessamyn: Oh, a new signee. Just left now headed for Regal's Office. Will be debuting tonight though.

Candice: Let's watch his debut. Come on Tegan, watching a wrestling match will help cheer you up.

Tegan: Okay fine. You all win - pouts -

Dakota: See, you'd give in eventually. - giggles -

Tegan: Kick rocks all of you!

Jessamyn: Now now, you can take this all out on us in another multiplayer run after taping. For now, let's go watch in catering.

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now