Chapter 27 Build up before the Clash

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July 31, 2019
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida
2 hours before broadcast

P.A.3.K. was backstage as he waited for the plans for tonight's edition of NXT. He did his pre-match stretch ritual before he received a notification on his phone.

tegannoxwwe_: Good luck tonight Pat 😁

P.A.3.K. replied back with a

PA3KRW: Just watch but thanks 😉

1st Hour
P.A.3.K. is in the ring, with microphone in hand, as his entrance theme is fading with the crowd chants filling in Full Sail University. He smiles as the crowd chants "Welcome Back" to which he let go until he begins to speak.

P.A.3.K.: Thank you all for that. *paces a bit* It felt quite good huh? Because for weeks, no disrespect to Mr. Ohno who is trying to raise his stock at my expense, I got that fire back. I want to remind you all just what I am capable of adn that we're about to get to the better parts. That being said, I bet you're all asking why I interfered in that North American Title Match? Mr. Ohno you can ask as I'm out here... 

P.A.3.K. points towards the entrance way as no Kassius Ohno is emerging. He looks behind but sees no one going forward.

P.A.3.K.: Come on Kassius, don't play the fool. I'm right here. Out in the open, ripe for any sneak attack or assault or for you to get it right and take me out and on the shelf. 

The crowd then begins to chant "Get him out!" as P.A.3.K. was looking with a smirk on his face. However....

Out came Cameron Grimes with his usual smug self and a microphone in hand

Grimes: Hey hey hey! Big guy, did you miss me? I sure as hell didn't miss you after what you and Kassius did. But let me pride myself in saying, I take some credit in taking you out for weeks. Because I, Cameron Grimes, brought in Kassius Ohno, even if he didn't want in. 

P.A.3.K.: Let's get to the point. But here's the thing, Kassius dumped your bum ass when he saw you're weighing him down. You couldn't beat me even in an unfair fight. The fact he knocked your ass off weeks ago should have sent the message up in that chasm where your brain should have been before guys like Kassius and I knocked it off and may have ended up swept and in the trash dump.

Cameron took offense as the crowd cheers the Resilient Warrior.

Grimes: How DARE you?!?! 

P.A.3.K.: Since I did and am sure insult your honor, how about you beat the honor back out from me? I'm here and itching for a warm up match. 

Grimes walks in as the two begin to pummel at each other as a referee enters to separate the two and it led to an impromptu match.

Timeskip to the last part of Cameron Grimes v. P.A.3.K.
Cameron was struggling to get up after he had gained separation from P.A.3.K.'s continuous assault which made him become as battered as a crash test dummy for most of the match. 

Cameron gets up and attempts for a Cave In but instead, P.A.3.K. rolls forward. Cameron ends up landing on his feet and gets Speared by P.A.3.K. 

P.A.3.K. signals for the end as he grabs Cameron and makes him stand up by the neck as he grabs him up and lifts him into the 3K Bomb. 

Cameron rolls on his stomach as P.A.3.K. mocks Kassius Ohno by hitting the back of Grimes's head with forearm and elbow shots before locking in the 3K Box Rear Naked Choke. 

P.A.3.K. rolls on his back as he chokes out Grimes and he can no longer resist as he taps on P.A.3.K.'s forearm, ending the match in a submission victory.

Alicia: The winner of this match, by submission, P.A.3.K.!

As P.A.3.K. gets up and get his arm raised, he ducks as from behind him, Kassius nearly lands a High Tension Elbow Smash. Kassius loses his footing as P.A.3.K. and Kassius begin to punch each other on the head with the crowd. Referees and security crew begin to separate the two. 

This did not stop the two big men from throwing strikes at one another. But once separated, Kassius and P.A.3.K. struck at the referee and crew to try to get back into beating one another. As the crowd chanted "Let them fight!", Regal comes out and in a booming voice, said,


This warning from the General Manager of NXT calmed both sides as Regal continued to speak.

Regal: I don't care if you two want to kill each other and spill blood then go the bloody hell ahead! But not here in Full Sail! 

The crowd boos but Regal raises a finger up to quiet the NXT Universe in attendance.

Regal: Because at NXT Takeover Toronto, you two will settle your differences and beat the bloody hell out of one another conclusively in an environment somehow reminiscent to your playing field P.A.3.K. At NXT TakeOver Toronto, Kassius Ohno and P.A.3.K. will face a Steel Cage!

The crowd cheered as both men nodded at Regal. But the General Manager was not done there.

Regal: Next week will be the contract signing. You two be on your best behavior until then and not beat each other like savages. 

Regal walks back as the crowd cheers a mixture of "Yes!" and "Let them fight!" as Ohno and P.A.3.K. stared each other down to end the segment.

Regal, Ohno and P.A.3.K. were backstage as they had a laugh about the way they marketed their TakeOver match. 

Regal: I didn't need to have my voice boom but you boys really bring that out of me huh?

Ohno: Not just me, our diamond in the rough here is improving two steps above the usual

P.A.3.K.: Now it's because I work with veterans who are more than willing to help...

Ohno: Don't be doing that to us man. You're doing great! Although the steel cage is a bit of a surprise for me

P.A.3.K.: We'll sell why the need for a cage for next week's edition. I just want some semblance of home

Ohno: Like your old MMA grounds huh?

P.A.3.K.: Something like that *feels his phone ring* Mind if I take this one?

Regal: No problem old boy, go! *smiles*

Ohno: Don't leave her hanging now *smirks*

P.A.3.K. walks to an slightly populated area of the backstage as he answers the phone to see Tegan with her cheeks again covered by her hands and silently whispering at her friend.

Tegan: You're gonna be in another TakeOver?!?!?!

P.A.3.K.: What can I say? *chuckles*

Tegan: In a steel cage? Isn't that quite crazy?

P.A.3.K.: Chris and I got this. Don't worry.

Tegan: I hope so *smiles* Then again, you've fought in a similar structure for years but I'm so happy!!!

P.A.3.K.: Same can be said of you Steff. You're improving with your rehab updates

Tegan: Yeah, but I do hope with the effort I put in, I can get back to active competition.

P.A.3.K.: In time yo will *smiles* I have to go wash up and rest up

Tegan: Oh no.... Alright, until the next time, my Resilient Housewatcher l...friend?

P.A.3.K.: Yes, my Shiniest Houseowner *smiles* ...friend

Both turned off the video chat as P.A.3.K. freshened up and went back to Tegan's home to rest up before preparing for next week's NXT edition before TakeOver Toronto.

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