Chapter 22 "Sit Out"

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June 25, 2019
Tegan's Home
Orlando, Florida
P.A.3.K. wakes up a bit heavy after his talk with Tegan last night. He stretched to clear his mind but as his body felt okay, deep down, he felt he screwed up. He was able to feed Blue and Marvel, but surprisingly, no call from Tegan. 

P.A.3.K. then initiated a video chat but Tegan didn't answer. P.A.3.K. felt a cold pain deep down, way worse than any broken limb or any previous injury he had suffered in his time in the MMA circuit. 

P.A.3.K.: *to his phone screen* Steff... please... I'm sorry... I just want to talk.

After getting no response from Tegan, P.A.3.K. sighed and tried to go on with the rest of his day. He played with the dogs and cleaned the house but only the light work for now. 

After His phone then rang but it was not from Tegan, he saw that it came from the Trainer.

P.A.3.K.: Yes hello?

Trainer: P.A.3.K., right. This is the trainer and we got your concussion protocol test.

P.A.3.K.: Hoping it's good news. 

Trainer: Good news is, you're cleared. Just some bruising but you should be careful with those shots. Take it easy for the meantime alright?

P.A.3.K.: Thank you, but I won't be around for a long time. Regal's orders.

Trainer: Oh right. Well, if need be, we can send you your test result via email.

P.A.3.K.: Sure, will provide you my email.

After P.A.3.K. provided his email address, the trainer ended his call and he informed Kassius by calling him first. Kassius answered by vvideo chat.

Kassius: Oh hey hey! How are you doing?

P.A.3.K.: A bit okay...

Kassius: Hey, you said you got something important or me to know?

P.A.3.K.: I'm cleared, no concussion.

Kassius: Nice! At least you sold well but we gotta work on the sell job. But I can tell there is some sadness in your voice. 

P.A.3.K.: Yeah....

Kassius: Give her time, she was worried. But I think she will come around. 

P.A.3.K.: Hope so

Kassius: At least we can start training tomorrow. For now, rest and take it easy. But I think she should have been the one you informed of this first. Just saying.

P.A.3.K.: Thanks Chris

Kassius: Pat, you're a good man. You know what must be done. See you tomorrow!

Their conversation ended as he sent Tegan a DM on instagram

PA3KResilience: Hey, just got word from the trainers and I'm cleared. No concussion. May I call because I really want to talk to you?

He stared at his phone screen but realized there was no point gluing himself to the screen as he played some Call of Duty to distract himself.

Hours Later
After he fed Blue and Marvel their supper, Don was still checking on his phone. He sees that there is no response still from his Welsh friend. He felt like the response from Tegan at this point is nigh impossible, given it is possibly close to midnight over there at Wales.

As he was able to make the dogs settle for the night and lock up the house before heading to the guest room, he laid down on bed. The cold shouldering he got after he worried Tegan was like the worst pain he had that isn't a physical injury. As he was about to lay down as he didn't eat much, his phone rang. 

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