Chapter 9 Grimes against P.A.3.K.

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May 28, 2019
Full Sail Arena, Orlando, Florida
2 hours before showtime

P.A.3.K. was at the backstage area, waiting for a text from the producer for his last meeting with William Regal and Cameron Grimes for their first meeting tonight. 

While waiting, he was just walking around, taking in the scenes. After brutalizing foes on TV, this time, he was about to start his first ever feud with none other than a rising star in Cameron Grimes. He was trying to psych himself into a mindset he usually had before his big matches back in the Mixed Martial Arts circuit. But in the effort to psych himself and walk into the zone, he nearly bumped into Tegan.

Tegan: Ah! Careful Pat. You nearly walked into my surgically repaired knee - pouts -

P.A.3.K.: - sees Tegan - Oh no, I'm so sorry. 

Tegan: - giggles - At least I didn't fall over. But I see you so zeroed in while walking just a few seconds ago, for the match with Cameron tonight?

P.A.3.K.: Yeah, my first feud. So I have to make this right and do it good.

Tegan: Pat - reassuringly looks at him - You got this. Alright? You always telling me to hang in there and persevere through the harsh rigors of my rehab. This time, I send back that reassurance to you. 

P.A.3.K.: Alright, how then?

Tegan began to gain some confidence. She knows if she lets this pass without much happening, she will just be teased on and on. This led to her friendly hugging P.A.3.K. warm and tight. 

P.A.3.K. was taken in a surprise as she hugged him. In order not to be rude, he hovered his hands behind her back, leaving space but at least giving Tegan the sensation of touch without crossing the line of rudeness and perversion. 

Tegan then felt P.A.3.K.'s back and he was really struggling to hug back. 

Tegan: - whispers - just let go and let in the hug - smiles -

P.A.3.K. then took that as consent and hugged back. They both were in each other's arms for a good 5 minutes then both decided to let go with blushes in their faces. 

Tegan: Well... where are you off to?

P.A.3.K.: Well, I'm waiting for a text from Mr. Regal about - phone vibrates - let me check.

Indeed the notification was for him to head to Mr. Regal's office. P.A.3.K. then decided to walk to the office.

P.A.3.K.: Until later then?

Tegan: - blushes but smiles - Yeah. Good luck lu...later!

P.A.3.K. then waved back as he walked off. Tegan was trying to walk off the blush on her face, but unfortunately, she was met with the grins of Dakota and the rest of the B.R.E.

Dakota: Awww dude. You two hugged - smiles -

Mia: Girl, you lucky he hugged back.

Jessamyn: It was quite adorable that he hugged.

Shayna: You two belong together - smirks -

Tegan: Alright fine. We hugged. It's my language of affection.

Dakota: Bollocks Steffie. It's your language of - mocking voice - Luuuuv ~

Mia: You can tell he's into you Tegs. Come on now!

Tegan was blushing like mad and thought it couldn't get any worse until Candice walks in.

Candice: Oh hey, Tegan. - notices B.R.E. teasing her again - Oh! Pat was just here?

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें