Chapter 26 Closer even from afar

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July 25, 2019
P.A.3.K.'s Room
Tegan's Home
Orlando, Florida

P.A.3.K. wakes up after such an exciting return to NXT the night before. He begins his morning ritual of stretching and exercise.  As he was close to wrapping up, his cellphone began to ring and it was showing the following notification

Steffanie (Tegan Nox) wants to video chat

He opened the camera but had to position himself as he was going to repeat planks. Tegan got on and was looking around.

Tegan: Hello? Hello? *playfully pouts* How rude of my reliable house sitter not to....

P.A.3.K.: I'm in frame but doing planks!

Tegan giggled as she saw her friend doing planks.

Tegan: Aww my cheeky plonker bubba doing planks..... So you're done working out?!?!

P.A.3.K.: Uhhmm...yes?

Tegan: *giggles* unfair! I thought we were going to work out together

P.A.3.K.: I can't be awake at 3AM for a work out Steff *chuckles*

Tegan; now why would you want me to expect...oh yes, time differences. Sorry *giggles*

P.A.3.K.: Hey no worries now. You did tell me you'll be doing on site work out and rehab with the NXT UK staff. Is that today?

Tegan: Oh no! *giggles* Oh wait! Oh that will be on Friday. I have you for today *smiles*

P.A.3.K.: Not to worry, I will make it worth while. So same exercises as before?

Tegan: *nods happily* yeah! But we add more, plus I'm sweating in this hoodie!

Tegan unknowingly removes her hoodie from the hem below as she pulls up. P.A.3.K. blushes as she showed him a bit of skin as part of her sports bra. Tegan pulls down the We Are NXT shirt under her hoodie from joining her hoodie as she fixes her appearance. She notices the blushing face of her friend as she asks

Tegan: Are you alright over there?

P.A.3.K.: Well uhm...uhhh..yes. Yes!

P.A.3.K.: Did she...intend to flash?

Tegan then brought out a towel as she smiled. P.A.3.K. was confused.

P.A.3.K.: Uh, you haven't sweated enough but you have a towel?

Tegan: Oh, this will be of help for me for my rehab exercises. Want to join me?

P.A.3.K.: Been feeling some tightness in my lower extremities so maybe it will help.

P.A.3.K. gets a nearby long towel as Tegan's camera only shows the table top view. P.A.3.K. was chuckling as Tegan was having trouble. 

Tegan: Can you see me?

P.A.3.K.: Sadly no.

Tegan fixes her phone so that it is on top of a chair seat, which showed her seated form as she begins the Long Sitting Towel Calf Stretch. P.A.3.K. follows suit and while trying to match up to Tegan's position, he noticed her wearing athletic shorts and how it was giving justice to her thighs and butt. 

Tegan then began to pull so her toes are pointing towards her. P.A.3.K. followed suit as he pulled the towel across his foot as Tegan is doing as well as they did reps of those together.

When they did the Prone Hip Extensions together, Tegan tried all she might but still felt some discomfort despite weeks already after the ACL surgery. P.A.3.K. noticed this then he told her.

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang