Chapter 15 Adjustment

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(A/N: Oh the timing for this next chapter just got me a bit emotional but am over it now. 

It sucks I know. For "budget cuts", Tegan Nox is now released and back to being Nixon Newell. Also other releases but I am not devaluing those who are released. Times are hard when job security is one vital concern even now during the pandemic.

Anyway, rambling above is done. Nothing can be done but here is a little piece I have given the news that I heard while at work about this recent batch of releases and how fitting the title of this book is.

Tegan Nox is no more
Nixon Newell has returned
Whatever name she will be called
May she shine ever brighter in her resilience
Despite the injuries and the struggles with mental health
Shine brighter than ever before and prove to the nay-sayers, you've still got this.

This is Shiniest Resilience at its finest.
And may the resilience be with those who were also cut and find a place to grow outside a company that has alienated its fanbase and clung on to its backward, selfish ways

Also, despite this painful release and the above thoughts I had, I made a pledge that this book continues on no matter what. This was in the drawing board during the pandemic before her release. No stopping now or ever. My pledge and outlet over all this.

Onto the chapter itself)

June 12, 2019
Full Sail University
Winter Park, Florida

P.A.3.K. was stretching as was his ritual before a match. Things still had a tinge of normalcy despite Tegan flying back to Wales days ago. While he tried to steel himself and focus for what will be his on screen appearance tonight, a part of him is still not used to a certain Girl with the Shiniest Wizard not around checking up on him.

He was then awaken from that daze when Dakota snuck up on P.A.3.K.

Dakota: Hey, you holding up well big guy?

P.A.3.K.: When did you start calling me big guy?

Dakota: - giggles - Now. But yeah, has she replied back Pat?

P.A.3.K.: Well, I think not. But I will guess time with her family after a long absence took over. So I best respect her space.

Dakota: Need to always be a wet blanket? - giggles -  A simple hey wouldn't hurt ya know?

P.A.3.K.: I guess until after the show.

Dakota: Your choice, but as the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder

P.A.3.K.: We're just friends, Kota!

Dakota: From how you're reacting, I can guess more than that - smirks -

As they talked, Cameron arrived.

Grimes: Oh, we're teasing big man Pat here? - chuckles -

Dakota: Already done - grins -

Grimes: Aww shucks! But hey, if you need an open ear, I'm your guy as well.

P.A.3.K.: Well, thanks Cameron.

Grimes: Kota, mind if ya leave us be first? We have to discuss our plans.

Dakota: Ya sure! Later and don't worry, I will ensure Steff (Tegan) still has her man waiting for her to come home - giggles -

Dakota left as agreed when P.A.3.K., Cameron and later on, Kassius discussed about what they have planned for tonight.

Grimes was already in the ring as he had a smarmy grin on his face.

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora