Chapter 29 NXT Takeover Toronto: Knock Out Artist v. Resilient Warrior

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August 10, 2019
WWE NXT TakeOver Toronto
Scotiabank Arena

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 hours before broadcast

Tonight will be quite the NXT TakeOver as this will be P.A.3.K.'s second one since getting signed. Not only that, this will be his first match in a somewhat familiar environment, a steel cage albeit with the ring ropes and post still there. 

As he prepares, P.A.3.K. arrives at Scotiabank Arena as he walks around with a few side chats with other members of the NXT roster fist bumping and offering well wishes before the match. He then notices once he was all alone that his phone had been vibrating. He gets out the phone to see Tegan wanting a video call.

Upon answering, he is greeted by a hoodie wearing Tegan on the other end.

Tegan: It's TakeOver there yeah?

P.A.3.K.: Yeah *chuckles*

Tegan: *pouts* Answering like me again? That's so rude!

P.A.3.K.: Oh no! Wait, please I'm so...

Tegan: *giggling* Oh I'm just kiddin'. Such a dense lad. No need to be a plonker all the time!

P.A.3.K.: *breathes a sigh of relief* Yup. Just a bit nervous is all

Tegan: Awww, I know you have this. Just don't go crazy and get me worryin' again!

P.A.3.K.: Alright Steff, I won't.

Tegan: Good luck! Oh it's going to be the kick off, I better leave you to preparing.

P.A.3.K.: See you later ...well when you..

Tegan: No, no. I will come calling .*smiles* Until later, good luck again!

Tegan flashed him a smile as she finished the call. P.A.3.K. was smiling until he felt a gentle tap on his back.

P.A.3.K.: Ahhh!

He heard giggling as he turned around to see Dakota with the Garganos.

Dakota: Bro, come on now. If Tegan does that, you might scare her little heart!

Johnny: Yeah man, don't give her a scare!

Candice: I think he got the point *giggles*

P.A.3.K.: Well, that got some nervousness away.

Dakota: Hey, you got this. I mean you've been in a similar environment.

Johnny: Oh yeah, this is like your MMA days, just with ropes.

Candice: It will be so much fun!

P.A.3.K.: Yeah.... 

P.A.3.K. covered his mouth as Dakota grins.

Dakota: Oooh oooh I see our friend here mimic his long distance wifey!

P.A.3.K.: We're just friends! *blushing* 

Johnny: Just friends, so far! *eyebrows going up and down*

Candice: Hey, don't bully him like that!

Dakota: Bully, he's bigger than us!

Johnny: And he's a sport. Right?

P.A.3.K. blushed as he excused himself and left. While they meant well, he had to rechannel as he had to focus for his match at TakeOver.

WWE NXT TakeOver
Middle of the Show
Lowering of the Steel Cage

The Steel Cage is about to be lowered as the lights began to flicker with the cage going down on the ring. The theme for the cage lowering adds to the suspense and excitement.

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