Chapter 18 Stand in for Shiniest Dog Owner in Pupper Party

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June 18, 2019
Orlando, Florida
P.A.3.K.'s room, Tegan's House
Early Morning

P.A.3.K. woke up to see Marvel and Blue look at his woken form. P.A.3.K. does his morning stretches and pets his two furry housemates.

Marvel and Blue: - whimpering in unison -

P.A.3.K.: Alright you two, we'll go follow Mother Steffanie's orders and get out. Yes we will! Yes we will! 

Marvel and Blue bark in satisfaction and happiness. Despite that it was not their original owner with them, they have begun to take a certain fondness for P.A.3.K.

As he fed the dogs, his phone rang.

Tegan wants to video call

P.A.3.K.: Oh shoot! Not while I'm about to finish preparing my rice!

P.A.3.K. turned on the video call and placed his phone on a stand while prepping the rice. Tegan was smiling and greeting P.A.3.K.

Tegan: Oh oh! Good morning over there Pat!

P.A.3.K.: *voice raised while preparing his breakfast* Hey Steff! Sorry bout that. Woke up a bit late

Tegan: Awww not an early riser you daft cheeky plonker? *giggles*

P.A.3.K.: *still tending to the rice* I bet you've already had your lunch

Tegan: *giggles* yeah. Lucky guess! So what's the plan for today?

P.A.3.K.: Pupper party...did I say it right?

Tegan: *laughs* Yeah! Awww Marvel and Blue get to go out...but without me *pouts*

P.A.3.K. at this point was done turning on the rice cooker as he went back to see Tegan's smiling awwdorkable face.

Tegan: Hallo?

P.A.3.K.: Sorry about that. The rice cooker just started

Tegan: What is it with you and rice?

P.A.3.K.: You can take the Filipino out of the country but Rice is something of a staple for me and my people.

Tegan: Oh... (mind: I hope to be a staple of his...)

P.A.3.K.: Anyway, how is it going over there?

Tegan: Oh, the knee isn't giving me much trouble. Just glad to see my nephews and have a personal nanny duty.

P.A.3.K.: Oh, you must be tired with all their running around

Tegan: oh no! They act as my rehab for my knee *giggles* I get to walk around again to chase them. 

P.A.3.K.: Oh that's good to hear.

Tegan: So...what time are you all gonna meet up for the pupper party? 

P.A.3.K.: Well, I think we will be meeting sometime around noon?

Tegan: Oh oh! Alright, sorry to have bothered you...

P.A.3.K.: Hey, it's not much of a bother *smiles* 

Tegan: Plonker! *laughs* But I will keep you company while you have breakfast and feed Marvel and Blue

P.A.3.K.: That last part, already taken care of *smiles*

He also points the camera at the dogs as they are shown happily eating their treats

Tegan: Awww for someone who has never owned a pet, you sure know how to.

P.A.3.K.: Well, I've been around people who had dogs so I observe and know things.

Tegan's eyes widened in wonder as she nods in agreement. To P.A.3.K. however, he saw a spark in her eye and it made him melt inside that it caused dead air. Tegan giggled and saw P.A.3.K. just stare back at the screen as she said

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant