Chapter 10 NXT TakeOver XXV

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June 1, 2019
NXT Takeover XXV
Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
2 hours before the show

P.A.3.K. arrived at the arena after some minutes preparing in the hotel where the NXT roster was staying. He was breathing and taking in the moment. First Takeover after spending nearly a month as part of the NXT Roster. Most important of all, in a realm that he is foreign to, wrestling.

P.A.3.K. was walking around and taking it all in until he walked into Tegan. This time, not making any physical contact.

Tegan: - stops on her tracks - Oh, Pat! You nearly ran into me again - giggles -

P.A.3.K.: - stops - Well, least I saw you.

Tegan: Are you calling me itty bitty? - pouts -

P.A.3.K.: No. But your sadness is blocking your - copies Tegan - Shiniest aura, Shiniest Wizard.

Tegan: - giggles at the imitation - You got points for that, ya cheeky daft plonker you! 

P.A.3.K.: Anything to make sure you're smiling.

Tegan: So, first Takeover?

P.A.3.K.: Yeah.

Tegan: Wish I know how that will feel like...if not for my slip up in the Mae Young [Classic] - frowns -

Dakota: - walks in - Steff hey. Don't keep yourself down now over that.

Tegan was shocked that Dakota snuck behind her but the message was of reassurance. So she let it slide. 

Tegan: - blushing slightly - Ahhh! Kota come on! - pouts -

Dakota: Don't be the Poutiest Wizard now - laughs - You're the SHINIEST wizard, remember dude!

Tegan was pouting some more but P.A.3.K. saw it as a call for help.

P.A.3.K.: Well, she is quite nervous given that it will be my first TakeOver and....

Dakota: OH right! Your first Takeover. You and Cameron will do great dude! That or, Tegan here will be all awwdorkably upset and...

Tegan: Hey! - pouts -

Dakota: Ya ninny! I'm kidding. But we will all be watching. You got this dude! But it won't mean much from me, so... - pokes Tegan's sides - Got something to say to our good friend here?

Tegan: - annoyed by Dakota's prodding - fine. - to P.A.3.K. - Pat, I know you will do great. To give us all a taste of what is to come - smiles -

P.A.3.K.: Hey, - slightly blushing - now thanks you two. Gotta run as I have to meet with Cameron on how we will go through the match. See ya!

P.A.3.K. walks away from the members of Team Kick as Tegan was left with a smile as she saw her new friend leave. This only became fodder for Dakota teasing her friend.

Dakota: Oooooh Tegan, that all you two can do to wish luck? - smirks -

Tegan: Kota! Why do you do this to me? - pouts -

Dakota: Really now? You cannot admit to him just yet? - giggles - You two look so cute together. You can't deny that dude!

Tegan: But..he looks so focused. So determined. I may not be the right person for him then.... upon knowing that I'm...

Dakota: Are you worried he will find out about...THAT?

Tegan can only sadly nod.

Dakota: Steff, if he loves you that much, he will accept you no matter what you are. That's how love works - smiles - So let's cheer up and go watch his match so you can see your future husband win 

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