Chapter 25 Resiliency Return

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July 24, 2019
P.A.3.K.'s Room
Tegan's Home
Orlando, Florida

P.A.3.K. wakes up as usual but this time, there was an extra zip to his step. He woke up smiling as he had done his morning routine and had already fed the dogs. As he was about to make his breakfast, his phone rang to show that Tegan was starting a videocall with him. 

P.A.3.K. answered, as usual with his bed hair still showing, to a smiling Tegan Nox on the other line.

Tegan: Top of the mornin' to ya!

P.A.3.K.: I can see someone woke up on the right side of the bed *chuckles*

Tegan: Awww did my reliable housesitter just wake up?

P.A.3.K.: Not really, but I hope you'll be watching NXT tonight...well past midnight there get what I mean

Tegan's eyes lit up as she wanted to guess for herself what was about to go down that night

Tegan: Oh oh! *raising her hand* lemme guess, you're returnin'? 

P.A.3.K.: *smirking* guess some more but I won't be telling *chuckles*

Tegan: Oh don't be doing that to little old me 

Tegan said this with sad puppy eyes, begging for her friend and house sitter to let her know what was about to go down for that night. P.A.3.K. wanted to keep the surprise a secret despite this so he didn't break.

P.A.3.K.: All I will say is, just watch. I don't want to ruin the surprise. But it won't involve me being injured again. 

Tegan: *breathes a sigh of relief* Alright, I surrender. But it better be good! 

Both friends then began to prepare for their days and talked a bit. While P.A.3.K. was having his breakfast, Tegan was reporting to her friend that in some time, she is making impressive progress with her rehab.

Tegan: And the doctors and staff told me, maybe next month, I may be able to return to the ring here in NXT UK. And... I am just so excited!!

Tegan said this with her hands on her cheeks, hiding the excitement and blush. P.A.3.K. chuckled along with her as he asked

P.A.3.K.: Why contain your excitement? You're hiding your Shining cheeks *blushes*

Tegan: Hey! *blushes some more* did you just comment about my face?

P.A.3.K.: I mean, you're shine brightens up all the days (of my life...)

Tegan: Awww such a kidding plonker. Don't kid around now. (He found me pretty? despite...oh...)

P.A.3.K.: Well, you're drop dead cheeky and a charmer. Also you got this zest and shine for life that I think would make you a fitting partner for life...

Tegan: *blushes* Are you ...?

P.A.3.K.: Oh gosh... that was awkward... I'm sorry

Tegan: No wait! I know we're not in one place right now but I hope to get to know you more...if you mean what I think you mean.

P.A.3.K.: Well uhhh...

Tegan: You don't need to stay on topic if it's uncomfortable *blushes and smiles*

P.A.3.K.: Maybe another time... (For fuck's sake! I was close! Ugh! Awkwardness took over but I hope at some point even like this we'd become....)

Tegan: Oh tosh! I have to go first. Well, gonna be on nana duties. Take care over there!

P.A.3.K.: You too! 

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now