Chapter 4: Live a Little

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(A/N: Rest in Peace DMX. 

A shame I was only able to listen to some of his songs when I played Def Jam Vendetta years ago, one of which, Intro, is used as the entrance theme of P

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A shame I was only able to listen to some of his songs when I played Def Jam Vendetta years ago, one of which, Intro, is used as the entrance theme of P.A.3.K. for this book. 

A good man nonetheless. He and his work shall not be forgotten.)

May 9, 2019

P.A.3.K.'s unit

P.A.3.K. woke up the next day feeling some slight soreness from his debut the other day. He was still able to prepare his breakfast of some rice, salad and bacon and eggs. Despite moving to the States, like one typical of his country, rice was always a staple of his meals.

He was able to finish his quick breakfast as he received a text from an unknown number

Text message from ???: Pat, this is Tegan. I was unable to get your number yesterday but recalled that I used your phone to call Kota a few days ago. By the way, shall we meet here or shall I head there? Kindly reply - Steff/ Tegan

P.A.3.K. knew he wouldn't want it on his conscience to make Tegan, who was still bound to her crutches, to have to walk to his apartment unit. He then replied to Tegan, 

Text to Tegan: I'm on my way. We meet there instead. See you! - Pat

P.A.3.K. prepared his money and dressed up in a simple black sports shirt and blue jeans and rubber shoes. He checked on his belongings then made sure that everything was good before he locked up his unit and headed to Tegan's house.

Tegan and Dakota's House

Dakota was setting up her gaming station when she heard Tegan needing help with something.

Tegan: Kota, are you busy? I need help with my clothes.

Dakota: Coming! 

Tegan's room

Tegan was having some trouble with putting on her jeans but she already had a shirt on once Dakota came in.

Tegan: Took ya long enough, Kota!

Dakota: I was setting up for our BRE stream ya dummy! - laughs -

Tegan: Well, help me first! - pouts -

Dakota: Alright, I will help you with your little "date" - says the last part with air quotes -

Tegan: Cheeky, Kota?

Dakota: I aim to please, Crutchy! - helps her pick out a pair of jeans - This looks good!

Tegan: Finally, you helped me! And hey! - looking at Dakota with slanted, angry eyes -

Dakota: At least I don't call you Hobbles like Jessamyn. Now is your boyfriend coming along?

Tegan: Kick Rocks Kota! - playfully slaps her arm -

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora