Chapter 6: Rehabilitation and Rebuilding

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May 16, 2019

P.A.3.K.'s Apartment Unit

P.A.3.K. woke up early as usual and did his usual morning stretches. He checked his phone and sent Tegan a text message.

P.A.3.K.: Morning Tegan. Upon waking up, kindly reply back so I can join you at the PC for your rehab session and my workout minutes. Thanks. 

P.A.3.K. then went on his routine and once he prepared for breakfast, his new phone vibrated and he saw the following notification...

New Message
Tegan Nox

P.A.3.K. opened his phone and read Tegan's message.

Tegan: oh no! Thanks for reminding me. I will be washing up and you can meet me at the front yard. See ya!

P.A.3.K. couldn't help but smile as he can imagine Tegan saying this personally. He dressed up in his workout clothes and packed his bag before switching off and locking up his apartment.

Tegan's house

Tegan was already in her sport hoodie and her workout pants as she hobbled out.

Tegan: Ahh these crutches can kick rocks. Hope Pat isn't too early.

She opens the door and sees P.A.3.K. already about to walk to the door.

Tegan: Ah I thought you'd be .... - blushing -

P.A.3.K.: Oh, I'd never be tardy. Time is precious and what we can do today, we do today and not set it to another day.

Tegan: Wise words, but we better get going so I reach my rehab session on time. And the more we have time to help you set up your PSN account - smiles - 

P.A.3.K. and Tegan then began to walk to the Performance Center for Tegan's rehab session and a morning workout for P.A.3.K.

WWE Performance Center

Both Tegan and P.A.3.K. arrived at the Performance Center an hour before Tegan's rehab session was about to begin. The two then separated as the trainer arrived to meet them.

Trainer: Alright Tegan, ready for your rehab session?

Tegan: Why yes! Anything to get my knee working again so I can return to action.

P.A.3.K.: Relax Tegan, just take each step carefully. You got this - flashes her a smile -

Tegan blushed as P.A.3.K. walked away so he can store his bag at the locker as well as Tegan's so she can begin with her rehab session.

timeskip to middle of the rehab session

Tegan was being watched by her trainer ensuring nothing untoward happens while she does her rehabilitation drills and exercises. On the other side of the Performance Center, P.A.3.K. already worked on his warm ups and conditioning when he began to go crazy on the sandbag to up his striking game. 

As P.A.3.K. was doing his combos of forearms, elbows, punches and kicks, he hit a roundhouse kick on the sandbag that it swung away for a bit. He was seeing Tegan's efforts in her drills. But what caught his sights is Tegan's face as she gave it her all, scrunching and her brown eyes expressing the determination to want to return to the ring and be cleared. His gazing took a turn when the sandbag bounced back and hit him on the side and he got knocked down.

The trainer watching Tegan saw this and had to move near P.A.3.K.

Trainer: Hey kid, you okay? You got knocked back by that sandbag.

Shiniest Resilience (OC x Tegan Nox)Where stories live. Discover now