I'll Always Miss You || 16

310 26 29

Jungkook's age in this chapter is 29.

Jungkook wakes up as he groans, feeling an immense pain twisting inside his head. He turns around, as his tea- bagged-eyes catch a glimpse of a picture of himself and y/n, which is laying on the nightstand. He let goes a sigh as he immediately turns around again, closing his eyes tightly as if he just saw something really horrible.

"Kook, you gotta come out now, champ!!! You can't stay inside there forever can you?"

Jin's soft voice enters Jungkook's ears and he covers them with his hands, feeling the atmosphere is too loud although there isn't any sound inside the room. It was just moonlight and him.

"Hyung's gonna come in"

He hears Jin saying and he remains there unbothered, not minding who is it or whatever the shit the person is going to do after entering. He's too tired of being isolated like this, he feels so lonely without his princess. But when no one enters, his mind processes that whoever the person standing at the door is giving him another few minutes to come out by himself. So he straightens up himself, walking towards the door and opens it, revealing a worried Jin.

"Kook, our bunny boy!"

Jin chirps as he pulls Jungkook to a hug, not bothered when the boy doesn't hug him back.

"It's been two days, Kook. You have to move on, buddy. I know it's hard but you really should, Kook. Let's eat something, shall we?"

He pulls him away gently, not getting any response from the boy except a tired, emotionless glance on him. He sighs, taking his silence as a yes, as he slowly drags him away to the stairs.

Yes, it's been two days since y/n's funeral and burial. Y/n was diagnosed with a heart condition when she barely could utter any word, Jungkook too, was just a normal thirteen year old, he only could understand that she's diagnosed with some sort of a disorder. But growing up, he saw y/n spending half of her life in hospitals, he saw her suffering, he understood that she's going to leave him, sooner or later while he's growing up. But for a moment he had a hope that she's not going to leave him, because when the doctor only gave her six months to live after diagnosing, she made it for sixteen years. She was there when he found his second love, his first love was always her, she was there when he broke up with the girl, she was there when they adopt a kitten ten years ago, she was there when it died. She was even there for his last birthday party, so he hoped that she won't leave her. But somehow she did. She had a sudden heart attack unexpectedly, Jungkook could remember how he begged and wailed his lungs out to not to leave him, but nothing got work. She left him. She left him, wounding his heart. He didn't bother to leave his room for the past two days, didn't bother to eat even, which make his hyungs worried about the boy. They know, loosing his only remaining family member is a tragic to him, no matter how matured he is.

The elders' mood lighten up, seeing the younger boy for the first time in two days. Though their hearts sank to their stomachs by how tormented the boy looks, they are somewhat happy to see him. Jungkook glances at his usual seat in the settled dining table, Yoongi sitting beside his seat pissed him off a bit. It's his princess's seat.


Jungkook hurriedly moves to the table as he softly pushes Yoongi away with an inaudible mumble, making him confused.

"Hyung, it's y/n's seat"

Namjoon mouthed with soft eyes and Yoongi immediately stands up, scolding himself for being careless. He takes the seat beside Taehyung now, sneakingly looking at Jungkook, who let goes a tiny sigh and takes his seat. Jin shakes his head, serving Jungkook the food first.

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