Chapter Fifty-Six

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Elia sat outside on the grassy banks with her dragons, enjoying the peace and simplicity of the moment. Her hand grazed along Tide Breakers head as he lay nestled right beside her, while Phoenix and Cannibal were flying about the sky. There was something so special about just being in her dragons presence, it always calmed the young woman, even in the most harshest of moments. However, now that Elia finally managed a moment alone, away from the eyes of her family she was able to properly grieve Lucerys. No tears had spilt the entirety of his time passed and at first Elia believed she couldn't shed tears because there was to much anger and hatred inside of her. but that wasn't right at all.

It was Elia's instinct to always do things that best interested those she loved and cared for. By not crying for her brother, she was putting up a strong front in the presence of her family, because if she of all people were to present weakness, so would they. But as Elia continued to stroke Tide Breakers snout, the tears began to fall, dripping one by one onto her blue dress.

The pain and realisation of Lucerys death was only now settling in properly, causing Elia's throat to shorten its intake of air and her chest to twist and burn. She felt like she could scream at the top of her lungs and beg the gods to give her sweet little brother back, but she knew well the gods would do no such favours, especially not for a Targaryen bastard like herself.

Elia felt as though she could so easily stand up and order her dragons to take their time feasting upon Aemond and then dump as they so wished once they were finished. Her mind told her she could watch them devour him, and she wouldn't even bat an eye, in fact, it went as far as to tell her she could even find humour in it. Of course, Elia wasn't foolish, nor was she insane, she would never find such joy in watching others harmed, even if it was out of vengeance. That wasn't to say she wouldn't harm people, because she most certainly would, she just wouldn't enjoy it as others like Aemond and Daemon did. Putting aside these facts and the civil war that could ensue any moment, Elia was also having a personal war, between her heart and her mind.

Her mind was not mentally sane, that much was already obvious, it was telling her many ridiculous and mad things that would break anyone else that had to deal with such a thing, especially in a time of crisis. As well as her mind twisting her rationality, her heart was also doing work of its own, however her heart was the very thing protecting Aemond from the wrath of Daemon, should he find out about Lucerys true murderer. Because although Aemond had commited a crime Elia could never forgive, there was still something inside of her that cared for him. She would never go as far as to say she had love left for him, but she cared for him at the very least.

Tide Breaker nudged the end of his snout against Elia's legs as he watched his dear rider sob, grieving for her brother. It wasn't just Elia that would mourn in this moment, her dragons could feel all of her emotions, especially Tide Breaker who had grown up from an egg with the girl.

Elia wrapped her arms around her white dragons head, leaning against him as she allowed her grief to continue to wash out of her, tears would ocassionally land on Tide Breakers scales, causing him to nestle against his rider more in an attempt to comfort her.

"Elia, can we talk?" Aemond asked as he slowly approached her.

The sapphire Queen quickly wiped away her tears, not wishing Aemond to see her in such a weak state. Elia glanced over her shoulder at the King Consort, "I'd prefer to talk to anyone but you." She said monotonously, though there was an agression in her tone.

Aemond frowned, her words stabbed at him harshly, he had hoped that perhaps they had made some progress from his successful claim on Grey Ghost, though it seemed wounds wouldn't be mended so easily. "You could try being nicer to me." He said in a sudden, he hadn't meant to say such outloud, though it couldn't be helped now, she'd already heard him.

𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑵𝑨𝑳 𝑭𝑳𝑨𝑴𝑬 | Elia Velaryon x Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now