''Show her you care. Because right now she thinks you couldn't give a damn.''

''I've tried. But when I kissed her, she pushed me away. Then half an hour later she kissed me. She messes with my mind I swear!''

''What? You kissed her?'' Thomas said, sounding disappointed.

''She probably forgot to tell you.'' Finn muttered dryly. ''Anyway what's it to you anyway?''

''Because I care about her Finn, something which is obviously foreign to you.'' At this point I'd heard enough. I went to grab my bag from the spare room and just before opening the door into Finn's room I listened one last time.

''I've ruined it with her. I know I have.'' Finn was probably running his hand through his hair right now, he always did that when he was frustrated.

''Yeah and I'm always there to pick up the pieces.''

''Well then make sure you don't make the same mistake I did.''

''And by that you mean?''

''Letting her go.''

Suddenly I burst through the door. ''Hey guys, erm Thomas I've arranged something for us to do, so we best get going. I think my Aunt wants to talk to you about my birthday present or something before we go though.''

''Oh I'll go see her now. I'll call you when we're done.'' He said, giving me a small smile as he left the room.

Finn cleared his throat at the growing silence. In return I sighed deeply. ''Wills.''

''Please Finn, not again.'' I said, I hated how he made me feel this way. No matter how hard I tried to push him away I just couldn't.

''Come here.'' He said, holding out his hand. I took it and he immediately pulled me into a hug. He stood a good few inches taller than me, which meant he was the perfect height for me to be able to burry my head in his chest. I felt his chin rest on the top of my head, and then for a brief moment his lips. We stayed like this for a few minutes, before I broke away and looked at him deep in the eyes. Without thinking, I slowly leaned forwards, there was probably less than two centimetres between us at this moment. When I was about to step back, he tilted my chin up and placed a gently kiss on my lips. ''My Willow.'' He whispered so quietly I barely heard it.

''Finn.'' It was all I could say, I could feel the lump rising up my throat slowly, and my eyes filling with tears. All of this was too hard.

''Don't, don't cry.'' He pleaded. I, again, buried my head in his chest so I didn't have to stare at him straight in the eyes. Before I knew it, he suddenly bent down, whilst I was still clinging to his neck, his arms snaked under my legs and he picked me up, took me over to his bed and sat down. We were sat in the corner, me now sitting on his lap and him gently playing with my hair. ''We can't do this any longer.'' He finally said.

''I know.''

''I really don't want to let you go.'' He sighed into my hair. ''But I think it's time Wills.''

''Please don't say it.'' I said, shaking my head, wishing this was all a dream.

''I have to. Or I won't believe it myself.''

''Please.'' I begged.

''I'm going to have to let go.'' He whispered. A tear slid down my face, but his lips caught it halfway down my cheek.

''You said you wouldn't. When I asked you- you-you said never.''

''I know I did. But I can't keep on doing this. It's breaking me.''

''And me.'' I scrambled off his lap and stood up, wiping away my tears. As my hand stretched out to twist the door knob, Finn stopped me. His hand clasped mine and he gently pushed my back against the door, tilting my chin up.

''One last time. Please.'' Quickly closing the gap between us I felt his lips on mine. The kiss was filled with so much passion, but most of all sorrow. It truly felt like a goodbye kiss. A goodbye kiss that meant forever. As he reluctantly started to pull away, I pulled him back, because I knew once it ended, that was it. ''Willow.'' He said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He hugged me, placed a quick peck on my forehead and I turned away to open the door.

''I lo-''

''Please don't make this any harder.''

''Okay.'' I said, as I left his room.

As I walked down the stairs, I plastered the fakest smile on my face. This trip was about making my best friend happy and I wasn't going to ruin that. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard Finn shout a load of expletives to himself, I think he must have punched the wall because the next thing I heard was a loud thump and what sounded like wall plaster crumbling. I turned into the hallways to see Thomas and my Aunt waiting. ''Hey guys, you ready?'' I asked Thomas.

''Whenever you are.''

I walked towards Aunt Annie and gave her a hug. ''Thankyou for having us. And everything else.''

''Absolute pleasure darling. I'll see you soon.'' As we walked down towards the beach Thomas kept staring at me.

''Why are you staring at me?'' I asked, smirking.

''You're not alright are you?''

''Absolutely tip-top.'' I smiled. He didn't look too convinced, but even so we slowly made our way down to the sand. ''Come on, I know a little place where we can watch the sunset perfectly.'' I said leading him further down the beach and into the cove I used to play in when I was younger. The entrance provided the perfect view. You could see the orange beams burning and radiating off of the sun, bouncing onto the water.

''God this is stunning. You don't get this is 12.'' Thomas burbled.

''Oh no. You do. I think it's just the water that makes it all the more special. See that's the thing I love about sunsets, so many colours, yet wherever you are, whoever you're with it's the same sun as it has been for the past billion years. ''

''Yeah I suppose you're right. Hey how did you know about this spot?''

''Finn used to bring me fishing here.''

''Oh right. ''

''Ha, yeah I know.''

The temperature by the sea had dramatically dropped since we'd left and all my stuff was back at the hotel, so I was freezing. As we sat there watching the sun, goose bumps started to form on my arms and I started shaking. ''Hey are you cold? We can go back.'' Thomas suggested.

''A bit.'' I said sheepishly. ''But I wanna stay and watch the sunset. It calms me.''

''Me too. But if we're not going back then,'' he unzipped his jacket and wrapped it around me. ''Then you can have this.''

''But now you'll be cold, I protested.''

''Not if you come here.'' He held his arm out and I shuffled sideways, so it was around my shoulders. To me this was just a friendly gesture, but deep down I think Thomas felt it was more than that. I didn't want to lead him on, but I was just so cold, so I nudged a little closer and before I knew it, my head was resting in the crook of his neck.

We stayed like this for a while, whilst I looked at the sunset, trying to draw the last ounces of heat from its long day. Eventually when the sun was almost down we got up. Shaking off any sand I turned to leave. But before we left something caught my eye. An old inscription on the cove wall. 'Willow & Finn 4ever', it was surrounded by a heart. In my own was a dull aching pain I knew wouldn't be going anywhere soon, and it was here that I realised. Even the most beautiful things, like a sunset, must come to an end, but eventually they will rise again. I just hoped that was the case, because right now I was not ready to let go...

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