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[Yk I'm gay]

                               Cool bitches gc

Yolk: why having a child is so tiring 😭😭

Lesbian furry: god now it's gonna be worse😭

Gay emo: Amor your temperature is high

Lesbian furry: fuckkkkk I'm sick😭

Short gay: damn that sucks

Lesbian furry: stfu

Vamp: how is Wednesday gonna manage

Gay emo: I'm a Addams I can manage anything

Wednesdays POV:
I went over to Enid and checked if her temperature had changed and it hadn't, "Willa..." I held Enid's hand and kissed her forehead, "I'm gonna get you some medicine, alright Amor?" Enid nodded her head weakly. I got my shoes and on and went downstairs to the medical room.

When I got back Enid was whimpering in her bed. "Amor can you sit up?" She did and I gave her the medicine, "it taste like shit" she groaned right after she said that. I gave her a quick kiss and went to see if Toby was ok.

I see Toby awake playing with his toy while Micheal was sleeping. I check the time and see he has to go to his daycare, "Toby, you have to go to the daycare alright?" He nodded and I picked him up and got him dressed. When Toby was putting his shoes on I called Claire to look after Micheal while we were gone since Enid was sick still.

Claire's POV:
I knocked on the door and my mom opened it and had to leave quickly because they were getting late, "bye mom!". I closed the door and saw my mother asleep so I silently went to Micheal, I saw he was asleep while leaning on the door frame. I pulled out my phone and messaged on the group chat.

                               Cool bitches gc

Short gay: what u bitches doing?

Vamp: sleeping

Yolk: trying to rizz someone up

Fishy divi: and is failing miserably

Medusa boi: guys wanna see my cake?

Thing: wait ur a girl?

Medusa boi: not that cake

Thing: oh

Medusa boi: anyways here it is 😁

Medusa boi: anyways here it is 😁

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Little mermaid: HOW TF-

Thing: AJAX TH-

Yolk: 😦

Fishy divi: nah how

Medusa boi: wait wrong photo

Little mermaid: knew it

Medusa boi: here

Medusa boi: here

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