Double date

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[ requested by Y-U-R-I-addict  so thanks to them for giving me this idea and enjoy!]

Cool bitches gc

Little mermaid: where is everyone-

Yolk: on a date

Lesbian furry: double date

Little mermaid: so u Yoko divi and Wednesday?

Lesbian furry: yep

Yolk: look

Little mermaid: oooo cool

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Little mermaid: oooo cool

Lesbian furry: look how much fucking food she bought-

Lesbian furry: look how much fucking food she bought-

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Yolk: always be prepared

Little mermaid: what movie u guys watching?

Gay emo: glass onion [really really good movie recommend watching it]

Little mermaid: noice

Yolk: look how they watching the movie

Yolk: look how they watching the movie

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Little mermaid: lol cute

Yolk: fr

Gay emo: shut up guys enid sleeping

Yolk: byeee let's finish the movieeeee

No one POV:
After they finished the movie Wednesday picked up Enid and left to go to their dorm and Enid's legs were around Wednesdays waist while her arms were around her neck

After Wednesday and Enid made it back to the dorm and then Wednesday sat down with Enid still on her but next thing Wednesday knew Enid pushed her down on the bed and was on top of Wednesday "what are you doi-" when Wednesday was about to finish her sentence enid covered her mouth with her hand and slept hugging her

Wednesday sighed and went to sleep too and they slept together while divina and Yoko also slept together in their dorm

[sorry for making dis a bit short idk what else to write lol and dw the rest of the chapters are gonna be fluff :D]

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