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[UGH MOMMY 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫]

Cool bitches gc

Gay emo: why is Enid's emotion changing every 5 seconds

Yolk: I mean it's been 5 Weeks she is having symptoms of pregnancy so yeah-

Fishy divi: Wednesday she is going to be even more emotional later into the pregnancy

Gay emo: kill me

Little mermaid: lol

Gay emo: you don't understand what I have to deal with

Yolk: come on give her her phone so she can text, let's see how hard it is

Gay emo: your dead

Fishy divi: can't be that bad


Gay emo: Amor...it's next to you...

Lesbian furry: I don't know what I'm gonna do without you 😭😭😭😭😭

Yolk: yeah...someone save Wednesday

Morticia: enid dear are you alright

Lesbian furry: mhm I'm great!

Gay emo: dear stop crying

Lesbian furry: IM SORRY 😭

Gay emo: oh god...mother help me

Morticia: Wednesday dear do you remember how many kids you have in the future?

Gay emo: 4 more kids...


Morticia: Wednesday this is what your father had to deal with

Weems: mostly me

Morticia: yes

Gay emo: I swear this is worse on werewolf's

Yolk: I think werewolf's are more more emotional during pregnancy

Gay emo: I want to die I want to burn I'm going to commit suicide

Lesbian furry: NOOOOO😭😭 IM HUNGRY😭

Gay emo: Cara Mia I'll bring you some food

Lesbian furry: thank u 😁

Yolk: damn rip Wednesday

Short gay: I'm helping u mum

Gay emo: thank you

Fishy divi: wow Wednesday said thank you

Yolk: lolololol

Lesbian furry: SHUT UP😡


Lesbian furry: 😭😭😭😭😭

Yolk: why are you crying this time 😭

Lesbian furry: YOU GUYS WONT SHUT UP 😭😡😭😡

Gay emo: Love did you say you wanted pancakes?

Lesbian furry: I wanted to eat yo- I mean yes

Yolk: bro ur sus af even when your pregnant

Gay emo: I'm on my way darling

Lesbian furry: is my stomach big?

Short gay: mother it's only been 5 weeks it isn't even big 😭

Yolk: enid overthinking way too much 😭

Lesbian furry: my pancakes 😋

Gay emo: finally she is calm

Short gay: make sure she isn't gonna finish the pancakes

Gay emo: she is eating fast

Short gay: and she is done-

Vamp: I feel bad for u guys

Short gay: I'm out sorry mum ur on ur own

Gay emo: traitor

Lesbian furry: I'm tired

Yolk: good go to sleep

Fishy divi: and never wake up

Yolk: DIV 😭

Short gay: I'm gonna have to agree on divina for this one


Short gay: dom mommy 😍😩

Yolk: again-

Gay emo: she went to sleep finally

Morticia: dear I hope you are coping well with her

Gay emo: mother help me

Morticia: dear just make sure she gets lots of sleep so you don't have to deal with her

Gay emo: so poison my future wife?

Morticia: no not what I meant about sleeping-

Yolk: oooo future wife 😏

Gay emo: future means in 5 years time

Short gay: ahem 26

Gay emo: 6 years time

Vamp: uh Claire how do u know?

Short gay: uh no reason

Yolk: Claire

Short gay: it's nothing

Fishy divi: Claire tell us we are curious

Short gay: fine don't tell Enid tho

Yolk: Alr

Short gay: so my biological mum was a psychic so she had visions and I have visions but they are more like a lovey romantic visions about people I know-

Fishy divi: woah what

Little mermaid: damn-

Yolk: so u had a vision about Enid and Wednesday?

Short gay: yeah it was a vision they got married

Yolk: what did they look like?

Short gay: I laughed so hard after the vision WEDNESDAY WAS STILL SHORT AND ENID WAS TALLER 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Gay emo: shut up

Fishy divi: dw Wednesday you can buy lifts to make you taller 😂😂😂😂😂

Yolk: yeah the shoe lifts that u put in your shoe to make you a inch taller 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Gay emo: i do not care Enid will not top me

Short gay: mhm u sure?

Yolk: who was screaming Enid's name hmmmm a few weeks ago

Gay emo: that was 6 weeks ago

Short gay: mhm

Yolk: I'm going bed byeeeeee

Fishy divi: same make room bitch

Yolk: rude😭

Vamp: Claire just went to sleep lol

Gay emo: shut up everyone I'm trying to sleep

[done bitches]

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