What is life? Updated it

619 12 16

[i can't believe I'm making a third chapter in one day- I'm super bored ig-]


Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: what is life

Short gay: why do we live

Lesbian furry: why do people kill

Short gay: why do we exist

Lesbian furry: who created god

Short gay: who created me

Gay emo: what is happening

Yolk: idk-

Short gay: what is life

Lesbian furry: what is life

Vamp: if u think abt it life is just a experience to have love be hurt and regret having a life. We do not have a choice to be in this world this world brought us in it we never asked to be in it we just came here to be on our own in a hurtful world where people hurt u for entertainment and serial killers are bad? They are doing us a favour so we don't have to live on this shitty world and have the best time in heaven when someone kills u they just unlocked ur key to happiness which leads to heaven which is happiness and serial killers are the monster? we are just in a world that hates people and we blame each other which is slowly killing the planet but none NONE OF US ASKED TO BE ON THIS SHITTY PLANET NO ONE SAID I WANT TO HAVE A LIFE ON A SHITTY PLANET THAT TAKES MY LOVE MY DREAMS MY LIFE AWAY I CAN NEVER BE FREE THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE THE KEY TO FUCKING HAPPINESS IS TO DIE SO WE CAN GET OFF THIS SHITTY PLANET THAT WE CALL AMAZING THE PLANET IS KILLING US AND TAKING OUR DREAMS AWAY WE DIDNT EVER ASK TO BE ON THIS PLANET

[ngl I just got carried away-]

Yolk: Liz...

Little mermaid:...

Medusa boi:...

Gay emo:...

Short gay: that was just

Lesbian furry:...

[im sorry im feeling really sick Like im gonna pass out I'm gonna have to continue this chapter another time I can not move on byeeeee] [Alr I'm feeling better so I can continue-]

Vamp: u guys ok-

Short gay: are u ok?

Vamp: I'm better than ok cuz I slay all day 👁️🫦👁️💅

Yolk: wtf-

Gay emo: is she fine

Lesbian furry: I think she hit her head

Vamp: I'm fine wat u talkin abt

Little mermaid: guys...

Yolk: what?

Little mermaid: there is a guy making divi uncomfortable

Yolk: W.h.e.r.e

Little mermaid: quad near the fountain

Yolk: someones gonna die

Lesbian furry: rip

Fishy divi: Yoko-

Yolk: what?

Fishy divi: THAT WAS KENT

Little mermaid: why did u look uncomfortable-

Fishy divi: his new haircut made me uncomfortable😭

Yolk: oh...my bad-

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