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[im married]

                                  Cool bitches gc

Yolk: guys Enid and Wednesday have been awfully quiet

Short gay: oh because they are at the hospital and I'm also here at the hospital

Fishy divi: WHAT-


Short gay: they didn't tell u?

Little mermaid: TELL US WHAT?

Gay emo: Enid is having the baby


Fishy divi: HOW TF-


Little mermaid: bro ur the flash 💀

Short gay: I'm gonna be a older sisterrrrrrr


Fishy divi: Yoko stop jumping 😭

Gay emo: stay here they said I have to come in first

Yolk: fuck u

Short gay: I'm gonna drop kick you

Wednesdays POV:
I entered the room looking at Enid sleeping "you don't have to worry about her the procedure went well" I sighed in relief and walked over to Enid's bed and just held her hand "thank god amor..." I was super happy that she was fine and I had a son "ma'am will you like to see your son?" I nodded and we went to the baby, he looked amazing "we will be letting in the other people" "alright" I picked him up and Claire came running "omg is that my brother" I nodded and I let her hold him "I'm gonna cry" Yoko came in and took a turn holding him.

"Willa?" I look at Enid she was awake "rest amor and you wanna see him?" She nodded so Yoko brought my son "he is adorable" she sat up and started to hold him "Mrs Addams?" Enid looked at her "oh I'm not married to her yet" Yokos eyes went wide when she said yet and looked at Claire and Claire just had a smirk on her face "Sorry Ms Sinclair you will be able to leave in 15 hours" she nodded and I stayed with her for a few minutes "how was it?" She looked at me exhausted "hell" I kissed her and she went back to sleep.

"So both Addams huh?" Yoko was looking at me with a smirk when suddenly the door opened, it was my mother "hello dear, how is Enid?" I looked at Enid and she was still asleep "she did good and the baby is fine" my mother had a happy face and Yoko showed her the baby "aww, Wednesday I hope you will care for this child" she had a serious look on her face " I will mother I will care for this child even if it is unbearable" "you made me very proud Wednesday" she smiled and left the room and told me to tell Enid she was here.

15 hours past and Enid was awake "amor your allowed to go home" she nodded and we helped her to the car "mum, when can we take the baby home?" Claire was really really excited to take him home "tomorrow, the doctors have to make sure the baby is healthy" Claire nodded and we all went to our  dorms. "Ugh I'm tired af" Enid fell onto the bed and I laid down next to her then fell asleep

                                Cool bitches gc


Fishy divi: nice

Little mermaid: how is Enid?

Short gay: exhausted but fine


Fishy divi: dear calm down 😭

Medusa boi: wait what's the baby's name?

Yolk: oh me and Claire already told Enid and Wednesday and they love the name

Medusa boi: so what is it?

Thing: I wanna see the baby

Short gay: and everyone come at 18:30 tomorrow because then u guys can meet the baby :D

Little mermaid: Alr-

Vamp: I wanna see the baby so much now

No one's POV:
The next day and Enid and Wednesday went to get the baby meanwhile with Yoko and Claire they gathered up all of their friends like Divina,Bianca,Liz and Ajax to see the baby also Eugene

Enid's POV:
"WHERES THE FUCKING BABY!" I heard Liz shout outside our dorm room "let me hold the baby now now now now now now now now" I giggled and everyone saw the baby "awww Enid he is adorable" Ajax loved him so did Bianca and Divina but Liz loved him the most "what's his name?"


[now if u remember when they met their future selves they have a son named Toby who was 17 so yeah and next they have a son name Micheal and after Micheal 2 twins named Jessica and Ella so that's the children and yeah have a good day byeeeeee]

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