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[obsessed Wednesday 😍]

Cool bitches gc

Yolk: ur a scaredy-cat

Gay emo: Yoko i am not


Gay emo: fine


Lesbian furry: what's happening?

Yolk: I made a potion and Wednesday wouldn't drink it now she is

Lesbian furry: remember the last time

Yolk: dwwwwww

Gay emo: Amor I'll be fine

Lesbian furry: fine

Yolk: Alr drink it when u get back to the dorm

Gay emo: fine

Wednesdays POV:
I am set to try another of Yoko's 'creation' I swear, she is going to be the death of me and that isn't a bad thing. I got back and Enid did not approve of the potion, so she was pissed, "I still don't think you should drink it" Enid was still looking at her phone while she said that, "amor, I'll be fine" I drank the whole bottle and sat next to Enid cuddling her.

Enid's POV:
Wednesday was sitting next to me and I think the potion started to work because she started to put her legs up to my waist and holding me closer to her. I was scrolling through my phone while Wednesday was looking at me, "Willa?" I looked at her and her eyes were filled with lust and desire, "mhm" she was being normal, I guess the potion needs more time. Later she left to her type writer and I fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Wednesday right in front of me smiling, I fell off my bed because I got scared, "Willa you scared the shit out of me, if Toby was here he would have started to cry" thankfully he was at his daycare and his birthday was coming in 3 days. She continued to look at me and not say anything "you're pretty" I pulled her to me and kissed her cheek and she started to giggle and hug me tighter, "darling, I have to get ready for my lesson" "why do you have a lesson now" I guess I could get used to this Wednesday and she wasn't that bad, "extra lesson so I don't fail" "fine" I got ready and left for my lesson.

I came back from my extra lesson and saw Wednesday was hiding something in her closet, "Willa?" She quickly closed her closet door and ran to me and kissed me, "you ok?" She nodded and kissed me more. We started to make out and she was a top like always, she pushed me onto her bed and crawled on top of me and started to kiss me down my jawline to my neck, "W-Willa" she had never done it this fast, I guess she was desperate. She then moved back to my lips and tugged on my pants/trousers and she took them off. By now my pants, tie shirt were on the floor and her jumper and jeans were all over the floor and her braid out. The potion on Wednesday made her go harder since my body was covered in hickeys, this is 1 potion I like that Yoko made. She took off my underwear and with no warning stuck 2 fingers in me, I moaned loudly I think loud enough for the whole of nevermore to hear.

Yoko's POV:
BITCH, TF WAS THAT?! I FUCKING FELL OFF MY BED BECAUSE OF THAT! Those slutty gay whores were fucking again, this is what I get from those bitches 😒, next time I'm making a potion to make me deaf so I don't hear them.

Enid's POV:
We have been doing it for at least 40 minutes or longer and finally I released and Wednesday stopped to catch her breath and I needed too. Wednesday had a smirk on her face and had no idea why, "round 2 amor?" I had never done it so I was surprise but why not, "mhm" I loved this Wednesday she was so obsessed and I loved it.

Oh, I have made a terrible mistake, here I am now on round 4 and completely tired like I feel like im going to pass out. "W...Willa..." my vision became blurry and Wednesday finally stopped, "love you amor" she finally laid next to me and spooned me even tho she is shorter, "love you too..."

Yoko's POV:
I swear that was a fucking earthquake 😒, those gay ass fags are finally done thank god. I swear Wednesday is gonna make Enid pregnant again, wait wait wait wait wait wait...OH NO. OH FUCK FUCK THE POTION AH SHIT THE POTION OH SHIT, "DIV! DID I PUT THE RED FLINU IN THE POTION?!" "YEAH, WHY?!" OH SHIT SHIT SHIT THE FUCKING RED FLINU MAKES- [she was Abt to spoil the future chapters 🤭]

Enid's POV:
I finally woke up after hours and saw messages that Claire picked up Toby and is staying with her, I thanked Claire and put my phone away. I looked at Wednesdays closet and the door was slightly opened showing a tiny piece of a photo, I was curious to see so I slowly got out of Wednesdays bed without waking her up. I obviously forgot I couldn't walk so I fell onto Wednesdays table and held it for support then walked over to the closet, I made it to the closet without waking up Wednesday and opened the door then used the door for support. When I looked at the wall I was stunned and started to blush a lot, when I looked at the wall I saw multiple photos of me and other people either crossed out or scribbled over. In the centre was a photo of me and only me with a massive heart around it, I guess now I know why she is so obsessed. Next thing I knew my eyes were covered and everything turned black.

I woke up to be tied to a chair and Wednesday right in front of me, "WILLA! YOU CANT KIDNAP PEOPLE" she put her finger over my mouth to shut me up and it worked, "shush" she wasn't acting obsessed and it was kinda weird, "the potion wore off" oh that explains it, "why the fuck could you barely walk?" She untied me while saying that and I quickly pinned her to the wall, but almost fell because I could barely walk. "Because you did 4 rounds on me" I had a serious look on my face and Wednesday was smirking while holding my hand, "how about I make that 5?" My eyes went wide and next thing I knew I was back on her bed getting fucking railed by her. [ur writer too fucking tired to write more smut 😍].

Yoko's POV:

Enid's POV:
I'm going to fucking die, I'm exhausted and I'm still catching my breath even tho it has been 20 minutes. I could finally sleep without being fucked, but I guess I liked it, only a bit.

[i made it up for the angst and I gtg sleep because I'm abt to sleep rn cuz I'm tired 😍 anygays gnnnn and byeeeee suckerssssss]

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