Locker room

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[liz x Claire]

Cool bitches gc

Yolk: I'm so happy they let us off early

Short gay: lucky just cuz you guys are leaving the school in 1 year 😭

Yolk: 2 years*

Short gay: whatever 😒

Lesbian furry: why are you texting in class

Short gay: ughhhhh fineeeeeee

Vamp: put your phone away dumbass

Short gay: fineeeeeee

Claire's POV:
I was in maths class and the bell is supposed to go off in 1 hour and I can go to my dorm. I was pretty disappointed I didn't have my last class with Liz. A few minutes passed and we could leave so I left and made my way to the dorm.

I was Walking down the hall and it was empty, I guess everyone quickly ran to their dorm as it was Friday. I was walking when suddenly I get pulled into the girls locker room, when I got in I instantly got pinned to the wall and it was pitch black so I couldn't see who it was "ow, WTF" the person had my wrists above my head so I couldn't leave then they pulled my leg up to their waist "shhhh love" I could see it was Liz "YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU SCARE THE SH-" she cut me off by kissing me "didn't you understand when i said shush" I rolled my eyes and I looked at her eyes to see they were red "why the fuck haven't you drank your blood" I was still pissed at her "they had to close the cafeteria early because of some accident in there and I didn't get any blood and now I'm hungry" I still didn't understand what she wanted "and? What do you want" I just wanted to go to my dorm and rest but no she had to pin me to the wall and talk shit "can I have your blood, pleaseeeeeeee" my whole face went red, I mean we haven't made out in a while and she never has drank my blood "whatever dumbass" I looked away and she quickly bit my neck then my eyes shot up "Be g-gentle" I bit my lip to stop my self from moaning "do you have a pain kink?" I was too embarrassed to say anything so just nodded instead "aww shy all of sudden?" "S-shut up" she kissed me quickly and left no time for me to breath "LIZ! Just drink the blood and we can go to the dorm!" She nodded and drank a bit more of my blood.

After she was finished and she let go of my leg and arms, I then slid down the wall to the floor "why does my body feel weak" I felt weak and I didn't like it "because your submissive to me" I stuck my tongue at her and she picked me up and took me to our dorm, thankfully everyone was in their dorm and not in the hall so no one saw us.

                                 Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: what if she got kidnapped

Gay emo: Amor calm down

Short gay: finally school finished

Lesbian furry: WHERE TF WERE YOU?!

Short gay: uhhhh...

Yolk: Enid gonna kill u-

Short gay: I was in my detention-

Lesbian furry: next time ur grounded

[wait before I publish this I was on Google yeah and I was searching up if there is a help emoji and I scrolled down to see this😭

[wait before I publish this I was on Google yeah and I was searching up if there is a help emoji and I scrolled down to see this😭

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WTF😭 I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD also btw I need help I'm getting so many ideas😭 anyways byeeeeeeeeeeeeee]

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