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[new party bitches]

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Gay emo: make sure he stays away from the flowers

Yolk: why

Gay emo: he is allergic

Fishy divi: got him he almost went to the flowers

Bee boy: hey guys!

Gay emo: hello Eugene you haven't been online

Bee boy: because I went to visit my mums

Lesbian furry: was it fun?

Bee boy: yep! I missed them a lot

Yolk: nice bee boy

Bee boy: I got to go Ajax asking if we can play Minecraft :D

Little mermaid: damn he plays Minecraft

Medusa boi: fuck yeah

Bee boy: we also play fnaf

Gay emo: what is 'fnaf'

Medusa boi: five nights and Freddy's

Bee boy: should I tell you all the lore including the afton family????

[sorry I really love fnaf and the afton family and I can't wait for the movie😭]

Medusa boi: Eugene no

Gay emo: I would love to know about this fnaf but Enid has stopped me from escaping

Yolk: damn how

Gay emo: she will not let go

Lesbian furry: mhm

Thing: she will not let Wednesday go 💀

Fishy divi: lol

Wednesdays POV:
Here I was, stuck on Enid's bed while she had her ears and tails out and hugging me so much that I can't escape. "Enid" I moved over to see Enid's face "mhm" I sighed and patted her head which made her tail wag "why is your tail out and your ears?" "Because every year for werewolf's we get territorial so my ears and tail will come out when I'm getting territorial" I was still confused why Enid was getting territorial around me "why are you getting territorial around me?" "Because when we mark our mate they are apart of our territory so now I'm gonna be territorial around you" I didn't mind at all and kinda liked it, so I decided to sleep because Enid felt warm and it was quite cold, I finally fell asleep and felt safe in Enid's arms so I had a peaceful sleep.

                               Cool bitches gc

Yolk: Wednesday how is my nephew

Gay emo: he is learning more words and running more

Lesbian furry: I think he is part wolf because he can run almost the same speed as a wolf

Yolk: damn he is fast then 😦

Fishy divi: damn-

Gay emo: he will make a great serial killer with this power

Lesbian furry: Willa no-

Short gay: he can already hold a knife so he doing good 👍

Vamp: wtf-

[finishing this early I'm sick and I have such a bad headache so I can barely type 😭 sorry I'll see if I feel better later and make another chapter so ye have a good day and ye byeeeee suckersssss]

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