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Cool bitches gc

Fishy divi: fuck u

Yolk: I did that to u and see how that turned out

Fishy divi:...

Lesbian furry: wtf is happening now 😭

Gay emo: Amor bed now

Lesbian furry: fine 😒


Lesbian furry: no sadly

*Lesbian furry has deleted message*

Lesbian furry: the doctor said I have to sleep more so I don't pass out from exhaustion

Short gay: ohhhhh

Gay emo: exactly so sleep

Lesbian furry: I wanna sleep with uuuu😭😭😭😭

Vamp: this conversation sounds so wrong💀

Little mermaid: fr💀

Yolk: I have found out how to make div distracted

Vamp: how

Yolk: I gave her a Nintendo with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet😁

Fishy divi: it's a good game

Lesbian furry: damn

Gay emo: Enid

Little mermaid: Enid I think I would sleep if I were u

Yolk: yeah Wednesday never calls you Enid 😀

Lesbian furry: ye I'm sleeping now

Fishy divi: is it normal to have pains


Lesbian furry: ye it's normal dw

Fishy divi: Yoko I'm not gonna tell u everything

Little mermaid: ngl who else has kept secrets from their partners✋

Fishy divi: ✋

Short gay: ✋

Speedy: ✋

Short gay: where tf have u been 😦

Speedy: dead

Vamp: 😦

Speedy: jk school

Vamp: 😦

Speedy: what?

Vamp: you go to school and DIDNT TELL ME?!

Speedy: well duh😒

Vamp: fuck u

Speedy: byeeeee

Vamp: wait what secrets have u kept from me Claire

Short gay: nothing

Yolk: u too div

Fishy divi: I threw ur pet fish out the window


Fishy divi: that fish was my crusty uncle 😒

Yolk: oh

Little mermaid: is it just us that has kept secrets from our partners?

Gay emo: ✋

Short gay: le gasp

Vamp: Double le gasp

Yolk: first Wednesday used a emoji now she kept a secret from Enid

Lesbian furry: what fucking secret Wednesday 😀

Medusa boi: ✋

Little mermaid: sugar daddy doesn't count

Medusa boi: oh

Thing: ✋

Little mermaid: 😦

Fishy divi: 😦

Short gay: 😦

Vamp: 😦

Yolk: oh u talking to stuff?

Thing: yeah she is really nice

Yolk: ooo

Gay emo: wow

Lesbian furry: anyways Wednesday what fucking secrets

Gay emo: nothing Amor

Lesbian furry: Wednesday

Gay emo: I burned ur mothers house

Yolk: girl folded so quickly💀

Lesbian furry: oh, that isn't bad

Gay emo: now go to sleep

Lesbian furry: I'm not tired

Gay emo: fine if I hug you will you sleep

Lesbian furry: MHM MHM YES YES YES

Gay emo: fine but you have to let me go

Lesbian furry: fineeeee

Vamp: Claire what secrets

Short gay: nothing u should worry abt😁

Vamp: mhm

Yolk: suspicious if u ask me 🤨

Short gay: fine I saw a vision

Vamp: abt wat

Short gay: nothing u need to know

Vamp: fineeeee

Fishy divi: god the pains are getting worse

Yoko: take ur medication

Fishy divi: I am

Short gay: I'm going to sleep

Lesbian furry: I don't wanna sleep 😭

Gay emo: fine

Lesbian furry: YAY

Vamp: I'm out BYEEEE

Yolk: same

Fishy divi: bye

Lesbian furry: OH COME ON

[im gay]

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